Working Moms: Fitting Workouts in Schedule



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    There was a new group that started last week called Working Moms 2014 and there was a similar topic posted in there just the other day. You may find some additional ideas from this link and may also enjoy joining the group as there are a lot of common challenges for busy, working mothers.

    For me personally, I have started trying to get up early in the morning to get that workout in, as the day goes on the ability to make excuses or have other things come up to prevent me from getting in even a 30 minute walk is likely to happen. In warmer weather it is much easier to get out and get some exercise while still involving the kids. I also walk at lunch at work when I can.

    I have also found my FitBit Flex to be very motivational, even though I too love to watch TV, if I haven't gotten in my 10,000 steps or feel like I just need to move more, I will even do laps around the house or march in place while catching up on mindless TV. Most of the TV I watch doesn't need my full attention anyway. :)