College students?

Hello! I'm new and could use some friends to look at their diaries/have motivation and support. I'm 5'5", 20 years old, and weigh about 150 pounds (but I'm honestly not sure.... a bit too scared to go on my scale :/ might even be more lol) after some emotional eating/too much drinking and drunk eating in college and would like to get back down to the weight I was in high school, 115-120. Trying to eat 1200-1500 calories a day and do a mix of cardio and strength training at the gym 5-6 days per week. I'm a sophomore now and am really trying to stay committed now. Luckily I don't live in the dorms anymore so I've got a kitchen so I'm working on clean eating a lot! But if your stats are similar to mine or you're in college please add me!