Have to or have already lost about 50 lbs. Support

I just started my journey to a healthier me about a week ago but thought I could use some support from persons that have already been through it or anyone that wants to go through it together. Starting at 189lbs as a 21 yr old female 5 5" I'm considered obese according to the BMI calculator. I wish to lose about 50 lbs by July 2014. I'm just starting out and very clueless to many things in the world of weight loss and fitness but I am willing to learn and I'm committed to this. Just had my first weigh in and so far I'm down 6lbs and very excited about it and hope it continues. I'm following MFPs recommendations of 1200 to 1400 calories per day depending on my exercise allowance. Please feel free to share any tips , recommendations or even motivating before and afters.

Let's be weight loss buddies !

How long did it take you to reach your goal weight? / when do you hope to reach your goal?
What are your / were your daily calorie intake?
What exercise routine worked best for you / are you planning to follow?

Have you faced any challenges? How did you resolve them?