Roca Lab

Anyone ever hear of this? Ive gotten to the point where Im about to have my jay wired. I needed something easy to get me started so I stick to it.
Has anyone ever heard of Roca Lab? Similar to gastric bypass without the surgery.
Someone please let me know


  • KMathews1963
    I started on it yesterday, so far I'm thrilled with how I'm feeling. The taste isn't bad at all, the texture if you mix it with juice is like runny jello. Today I did it with applesauce instead and a little cinnamon, a much better texture. Yesterday I only ate 470 calories and the only time I even felt hungry was when I left the gym and I drank some water and that feeling went away. I also tried the anti-cravings yesterday. I put it in the cherry crystal light (generic brand) that they sent and I wasn't a big fan, but I'm also not a big fan of crystal light. Today I'm going to put it in cranberry juice. They suggest on the website to eat 50% in the morning, 20% 30 minutes before lunch and 30% 30 minutes before dinner and that is what I did. And drink lots of water I drank 120 oz.! I'm very motivated to make this work as my doctor warned me about having surgery and I do not want that! If you order it please add me or add me now if you like. Good luck!
  • LJKue
    LJKue Posts: 1 Member
    Just curious for an update.