Can't drink

Does anyone know why I haven't been thirsty In the last two days? I've been dieting since Tuesday and eating around 1200 calories a day, and today and yesterday I haven't been thirsty at all... I have no idea what's causing it so does anyone have any ideas? It's resulting in head ache... I drank two glasses of water yesterday and that's it, and I tried to drink a black coffee today but I wasn't thirsty so it went cold, and I'm forcing myself to drink water... Any ideas?


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Can't drink or won't? I'm never thirsty, but if it's resulting in a headache, I drink more water. There's no answer other than to make yourself do it.
  • cammade
    cammade Posts: 11 Member
    I don't feel thirsty so I forget to drink and when I do drink I get panicky about not breathing for that short space of time, I don't know why though because normally I am so thirsty and love drinking :S I have been started forcing myself, I guess the uncomfortableness is better than a headache!