It goes ding when there's stuff. Trackers

Hello, all!

I'm toying with the idea of getting an activity tracker. Or a heart rate monitor? I'm a bit lost! There are so many choices!

Anyway, with grad school and all, I don't get a lot of time to dedicate solely to exercise. I'd love something, maybe like a FitBit (is that what that's called?) that will encourage me to incorporate more movement in my day-to-day life.

I suppose a list of things I would like in a tracker would be useful...
- Tracks my activity
- Is discreet
- Syncing with MFP would be a big big plus
- Heart rate might be a plus...if feasible.
- When I do work out, two of my favorite activities are rollerblading and the elliptical. Is there anything that can track these as well?
- I'd prefer it to be under $100

Thank you in advance for your help!
