Help - TDEE question on how to use plus fitbit/HRM

I need to restart my weight loss effort and am going back to square one to figure out how many calories I should be allowed each day. I did WW about 5 years ago and lost 20 I know how to do this, but I'd like to do it in the 'real' world instead of the world of points (because I don't want to pay again :)).

I stumbled on the discussion about TDEE and think that I understand what it is. My confusion is the difference between MFP calculation of calories per day vs a TDEE calculation. My MFP gives me about 1200 a day and the TDEE calculator gives me 2000 per day. I believe the MFP calculation has already included my 'weight loss' it has subtracted however many calories I need to reduce to lose weight. I believe that the TDEE doesn't include if say I need 500 calories per day less, then that puts me around 1500 calories. Still a 300 calorie difference. Which # should I focus on? I've watched my food intake for my entire the thought of being allowed more calories just doesn't synch with my brain. And, again, I'm just not sure which # is more 'accurate' to follow.

Any advice on restarting 'me' is appreciated!


  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Are you including any exercise in your TDEE calculation? MyFitnessPal does not include any exercise calories, you have to add those in when you burn them, as they are considered extra.

    I believe you should start with 1500 and monitor your progress for a few weeks and adjust it based on how your body reacts.

    Also, consider how much weight you want to lose and the time frame in which you told MFP you want to lose it in. If it's only 20 pounds you are looking to lose, trying to lose 2 pounds per week may be too aggressive and MFP defaults to give you the lowest calorie amount they allow.
  • skittles12345
    skittles12345 Posts: 9 Member
    I just used a TDEE online did ask about exercise. As for MFP, I always log my exercise, so I see those 'bonus' calories...but I guess that's part of what is confusing me. Are they really 'bonus' or should I be eating up to what those extra calories give me?

    I don't remember how much per week I said for MFP...but the timeframe isn't really my focus. My focus is more getting my eating habits back in line with where they should be and slowly get the weight back off. I turn 50 in June and it's really scary that it's going back on! :) I want it off, but will do it in a reasonable, sustainable way. I just need to figure out these numbers for guidance. :)

    Oh...and I forgot to ask about fitbit/HRM - I use a HRM when I exercise and I've noticed the fitbit doesn't really work that's more of a TDEE tracker (using the words from another poster) more of a total approach for the day instead of just my 30 minutes of exercising. I'm just still trying to figure that one out because the 'extra' calories for MFP come from my HRM..and if I don't use that...well, which is more accurate??? Or should I just pick an approach and use it???
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I would pick one and use it. If your Fitbit says you burn about 1800 a day (and if most of your activity is steps-based stuff it tracks, like you're not going cycling daily or anything), then pick a calorie goal somewhat below that.