HRM vs machine calories

A few days ago I finally got around to setting up my Reebok HRM with a chest strap. I've been using it the past few days while I'm on the gazelle and had no problem with it. Yesterday when I could finally go to the gym I tried using it and I noticed a HUGE difference between what my HRM says and what the machine says. The elliptical machine says I burned about 200 calories for a 22 minute session, while my HRM gives me a reading of about 330 calories, so there's a big difference. My heart rate was up there for most of the workout, and both my HRM and the machine were only 1 or 2 heart beats off, so which one do I trust?

My stats:
130 lbs
21 years old


  • dgraboski
    dgraboski Posts: 125 Member
    I always trust my HRM. Sometimes a machine wil give me over 100 calories MORE than what my HRM says I burned.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    Well, the HRM also uses the calories you would have used even sitting on the couch, so you can subtract 50-80 cals right off the top.

    They all use "average" algorithms and none of the devices are going to be exact.

    You spent the money on the HRM, so why not use the numbers, track diligently for a month or so, and see what your results show you.

    Here's a good blog post about this:

    Another good blog of his:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    If you're trying to lose weight, go with the smaller number - just to be on the safe side of things.
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    my hrm shows about 150-200-less than my incline trainer.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Options which one do I trust?
    Neither. They're both guessing using the same math, only with somewhat different assumptions.

    Figure out how many miles can you run in that 22 minutes. Then do this...
    net calories running = 0.63 * bodyweight in pounds * miles run
    Followed by this...
    net calores ellipticing = net calories running * 0.5
    That will put you in the right ball park. In your case, assuming you can run 2 miles in 22 minutes...
    net calorie burn on the elliptical = 0.5 * (0.63 * 130 * 2) = 82 calories
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    A few days ago I finally got around to setting up my Reebok HRM with a chest strap. I've been using it the past few days while I'm on the gazelle and had no problem with it. Yesterday when I could finally go to the gym I tried using it and I noticed a HUGE difference between what my HRM says and what the machine says. The elliptical machine says I burned about 200 calories for a 22 minute session, while my HRM gives me a reading of about 330 calories, so there's a big difference. My heart rate was up there for most of the workout, and both my HRM and the machine were only 1 or 2 heart beats off, so which one do I trust?

    My stats:
    130 lbs
    21 years old

    Neither. Both are overestimating, although elliptical not as much.