45yo looking for some motivation!

I've been doing MFP for several years on my own, and I stopped for about a year now ( during that time I've gained weight). I would like to start counting calories and exercising again without giving up! I need motivation !


  • jlib989
    jlib989 Posts: 17
    I have had the same situation. However, I was off for over a year and gained a lot of weight. I am back on MFP to get back in shape, loose weight and keep it off! Let's do this!
  • cKimiW
    cKimiW Posts: 4 Member
  • mklassy123
    I've been on and off for the past year plus, but I've been really good about it again since early December. Even being away for the holidays (and gaining weight) I still logged, and got right back on the horse after the holidays.

    I have to say that during my off times, it was my MFP friends that would hound me to come back on. They're all great. Feel free to add me, I can always use more friends and I try to be a great support to others.

    By the way, I lost a lot of weight about 3 1/2 years ago and have since gained it all back - so I'm right back at square one.