Make you think twice about Dr. Oz



  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't hound everything as fact and explained that all of the weight loss segments simply demonstrate different methods to do so. But you can't be all EVERYONE ONLY DRINK ALMOND MILK DAIRY MAKES YOU FAT one episode then EVERYONE DRINK COW'S MILK BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU SKINNY the next.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    The women at my gym think he is a God and talk about him alllllll the time whilst on treadmills.
    Bit of a cult goin' on!
  • sickofbeingfat1986
    that show automatically loses all credibility when they start doing the idiotic, unnecessary and elaborate demonstrations/examples of how the body works. He made a woman get onto a mechanical bull just to prove how increasing stress effects the body. Like a simple CG image or video will suffice, and it wont be so insulting to the intelligence of the viewer. Also ive noticed that hes just promoting trendy weight loss remedies to make a buck. I remember he raved about green coffee pills then all of a sudden starbucks offersa drink like that and its everywhere. I normally don't go for diet pills because of the weird side effects BUT I did try garcinia cambosia or whatever its called.he also raved on and on about it but I don't think he talked about the side effects despite being natural.

    it did work for 2 weeks BUT I had to stop do to my pressure going so high I thought my head was gonna pop (worse headache of my life) AND the very intense sharp pain stomach pains id get out of nowhere. id be fine and then BOOM id be in random pain. I wish I could have continued but it was too much....bottom line, I don't like dr oz anymore and his show is a joke (just like dr phil) both shows cater to women but do nothing to help them