Top-Rated Diets Overall -- It's pretty outrageous!

01. DASH Diet
02. TLC Diet
03. Mayo Clinic Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Weight Watchers
06. Flexitarian Diet, Volumetrics
08. Jenny Craig
09. Biggest Loser Diet, Ornish Diet
11. Taditional Asian Diet, Vegetarian Diet
13. Anti-inflammatory Diet, Slim-Fast, Spark Solutiion Diet
16. Nutrisystem
18. Abs Diet, Engine 2 Diet, South Beach Diet, Vegan Diet
22. Eco-Atkins Diet, Glycemic-Index Diet, Zone Diet
25. Macrobiotic Diet, Medifast
27. Acid Alkaline Diet
28. The Fast Diet
29. Atkins, Raw Food Diet
31. Dukan Diet, Paleo Diet

Not only is the Paleo Diet dead last it receives failing scores for a lack nutrition and bad for heart health from a "panel of experts". It's pretty outrageous that anyone would promote something like Slimfast and The Biggest Loser Diet... and Medifast isn't that the low calorie all liquid diet? over eating real food.

Maybe when there are more "paleo products" to buy and there's money to be made off of it (like with Atkins) the panel of experts will move up the list.

I don't eat Paleo but I think it can be a sound, nutritious way to eat -- certainly better than the SAD -- and have a hard time wrapping my head around experts thinking it's dangerous to eat whole foods.


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I find the #1 diet is common sense. With a tiiiiiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true.
  • StonesUnturned
    StonesUnturned Posts: 94 Member
    If you click through on the diets, they explain why they gave the scores they did. It's not that they think paleo is bad for you so much as there just aren't many studies on paleo specifically so it's hard to say anything definitive. They do note it tends to be low sodium, but it may be higher fat and low on calcium depending on the exact food choices. Also the rankings were not only based on health or weight loss. Paleo gets marked down for being expensive and moderately difficult to follow.