Power 90 to start

I feel pretty confident P90 is a full body workout. Day 2 and my whole body hurts.

I strongly believe exercise is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. Not a crucial part of a diet or weight loss plan. Whole life. Since the baby, it's been difficult to get into a workout routine. Going to the gym after work hasn't worked. The gym has a lot of overhead; driving, changing, showering, etc. By the time I get home, it's 7:30 and my daughter is pretty much in bed for the night. I realized this problem is not going to go away or get better or anything. Not for 10's of years. Another solution is needed. Something that better integrates into my current lifestyle. Workout in the morning.

This started as a plan to hit the gym before work. That gets me home at a normal time. It removes the overhead of the second shower. Breakfast logistics become worse and I actually lose that breakfast time with the whole family. It doesn't help my wife, who is also having issues getting a consistent exercise routine in place. She suggested trying P90x together in the morning at home. Less overhead and the breakfast problem is solved.

After some research, we realized P90 is what we needed. Not P90x. It's kind of funny P90x is what's advertised on TV and what everyone knows. Really, most of the people seeing that ad need P90 and not P90x. P90x is just sexier looking and more aspirational. You take a look at Ebay and there are not very many copies of P90 for sale. Makes sense, since it's less popular. You see a lot of P90x for sale for very low prices. A lot where just the first few DVD's are opened. If I get P90x down the road, I'll probably pay less than P90.

The sacrifices begin. Get up an hour earlier...to exercise...not awesome. It's an experiment. Will this time get easier? Is this the right kind of program? A couple tips from my first two days. First, the book recommends watching the videos first without doing them. Do this! I'm glad they move kind of quick because a bunch of slow explanation will get tedious after doing the workout a few times. At the pace they go, it's really hard to do the workouts right when seeing it for the first time. Just ask the guy that didn't follow directions. Watch the video the day before. During the first workout, don't be afraid to pause and rewind. Second, seriously, take it easy the first couple workouts. I THOUGHT I was taking it easy. This afternoon, I have to concentrate while walking. My whole body feels broken.

Only 88 more days to go.


  • cristy1700
    cristy1700 Posts: 1 Member
    I have done P90 and P90X - they are both awesome! You are so right about starting with P90. My husband ordered both and I fainted after just looking at P90X. However, after a round of P90, the X wasn't quite as intimidating. I just started the P90X3 program this week so I am suffering along with you and your wife! Good luck:)
  • robertgillmann
    I own P90 1&2, P90 3&4 and P90X. I have owned these for a few years. I agree with you that the normal joe should start with 90 and then eventually graduate up. I after breaking my wrist last spring have just started P90 1&2 again and I'm on my 8th day. I will typically do 1&2 for 3 weeks and then 3&4 for 3 weeks and then start P90X. After 25 years I quit smoking 2 months ago and I can tell you my lungs were in no shape for P90X right out of the gate. Remember that it's not a sprint...it's a marathon. Good luck!