
Adusenka Posts: 108 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if there are any people who went through some kind of eating disorder. Me, for exemple, I went through starving, binge eating and purging periods when I was 16 and 17, at that time I lost almost 20kgs (40pounds I guess) in like 6 weeks. I actually gained all the weight back because of some problems in my life.
Anyway, the point is whether or not are there people who went through something like this and are trying to lose weight healthily, cos you know, when you go through this, it's kinda like addiction and it's hard to go back to losing weight without going to extremes.

If you're here, you can share your story here or with me and I would love to befriend you :).


  • I go through periods where i throw all caution to the wind when something bad happens in life and I turn to food for comfort. Sometimes I just can't say no to food and eat and eat and eat. I know I have a twisted relationship with food.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    I was borderline anorexic a couple years ago and weighed about 92 lbs (my "happy" weight is 110). So when I decided to gain weight I started binging (never purging) and have gained up to 120 so that's what I'm struggling with now. Things like stress and loneliness that used to make me not eat now make me binge. it's a vicious cycle.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Looking back, I was on the verge of having an eating disorder. In high school I was 120lbs at 5'6". In order to stay this size, I wouldn't eat at school. I would eat in the morning before school, cereal or toast, and from 7:30 am - 4pm I wouldn't eat until supper. I did that every day of my high school life.. at least grade 11 to grade 12. And at the time I thought I was fat.

    I found pictures from high school recently and I was so skinny looking. I'd much rather my present body, who could stand to lose a few pounds, but is able to enojy and eat food on a regular basis throughout the day.
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