Need advice on calories



  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member

    nope, i'd eat 1800 every single day, exercise or not. i mean, as close as you can to it. recognize that some days you might be hungrier then others. i'm always starving the day AFTER a long cardio session. that is of course if you are being honest and plan on working out about 5 days a week.

    and by the way, 1800 is arbitrary. you know you're not going to hit that number exactly, every day, right? and i wouldn't sweat your macros too much. calories first, then protein. try to aim for more than what MFP gives you. and watch sodium. if i feel bloated one day, i go to my food diary and usually the day before i've had a lot of salt.

    take it easy at first, and get used to eating a little more every week.

    Oh, I know. I know some days it will be 1821 and others 1796 and whatnot. I'm just weird about numbers. :) Well, weird in general I guess. :P

    THANK YOU. It's so refreshing to not be a slave to low calories. It is strange how 1800 seems so high but works better for your body overall than a lower number.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member

    nope, i'd eat 1800 every single day, exercise or not. i mean, as close as you can to it. recognize that some days you might be hungrier then others. i'm always starving the day AFTER a long cardio session. that is of course if you are being honest and plan on working out about 5 days a week.

    and by the way, 1800 is arbitrary. you know you're not going to hit that number exactly, every day, right? and i wouldn't sweat your macros too much. calories first, then protein. try to aim for more than what MFP gives you. and watch sodium. if i feel bloated one day, i go to my food diary and usually the day before i've had a lot of salt.

    take it easy at first, and get used to eating a little more every week.

    Oh, I know. I know some days it will be 1821 and others 1796 and whatnot. I'm just weird about numbers. :) Well, weird in general I guess. :P

    THANK YOU. It's so refreshing to not be a slave to low calories. It is strange how 1800 seems so high but works better for your body overall than a lower number.

    Why can't you be exact every day? I have macro goals and fiddle with my portions until I have the exact numbers I want...
    (Not saying it has to be exact...but if you want it to be, you can)
  • sabianhunter
    sabianhunter Posts: 17 Member
    Tdee method you have the same calorie goal daily whether it's a workout day or not.....
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    That is correct. If you want to use MFP to track your workouts, you can enter them, as just set the calorie amount to 1, so it doesn't add calories back to be eaten.

    ETA: Macros ARE important. MFP sets protein way too low. Double it. Then split the remainder between carbs and fats (if you end up doing a lot of cardio, you can go up on the carbs and lower the fat.)

    Eating 1.1 to 1.4 g of protein/lb of lean body mass will benefit you in a whole lot of ways, such as retaining your lean body mass during calorie restriction, and feeling more full. I have found it also helps with cravings. Good luck! :drinker:

    I went into settings and can't figure out how to do this! Ugh.

    I sort of thought that eating 1g of protein per pound of your body weight was only really ideal for those who do heavy lifting, but that it would be too much for someone who does more cardio/lighter strength training? What are your thoughts on this?
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    Also, I just browsed through some other threads, and I might actually drop from moderate exercise to light exercise and recalculate my TDEE-20%. Presently, I don't burn even 300-500 calories per exercise session so maybe I should adjust it?