Why getting started seems so hard



  • allen_ac
    allen_ac Posts: 64 Member

    I eat meat for the protein, but kinda have been thinking about vegan …. still working on that … thoughts?

    One thing that I read recently, here at MFP in fact, the habits of longtime maintainers … those who have lost a lot of weight and kept it off for more than 5 years, 10 years …

    1. Alway weigh themselves at least once a week.
    2. Never cheat.
    3. Exercise daily
    4. Count calories
    5. Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    6.Get plenty of sleep

    If you're already okay for eating meat for the protein source, you'll have a much easier to time getting in some of the micronutrients that come along with eating meat, not to mention protein sources are going to be a bit harder to come by as a vegan. That's just my opinion though, no one bash me lol

    As for never cheat, there are some who are able to do that, but you wouldn't expect not to enjoy some of your favourite foods from time to time. Maybe having dinner with family or friends that it sometimes it's difficult to get around. Cheat days are recommended for the metal relief of your cravings and urges, if you think you can't keep up a super clean diet for months on end without touching anything, then it's encouraged to have a cheat day so that you reward yourself for your discipline and hard work. You need to enjoy life still, not just restrict everything forever :smile:
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah, that sounds right … I was thinking about cheat days … not so much whether I should or shouldn't .. but that why rule it completely out … like when one of my son's gets married … no cake? Likely I will have a bit or two .. but I'm still trying to find my thinking on this

    I don't really like red meat, but eat it. The hardest nutrient for me to get in is iron and after surgery it was all the harder … so I wonder if I will ever even be able to go vegan … but I like the idea of it.

    More good advice, thanks … and yeah, I agree that bashing on a board is just silly, but not worth worrying about. I know many of us appreciate the comment!