What an amazing feeling......

I am 11 days in and doing well and feeling good. I have lost 3 1/2 lbs, netting 1200 calories a day and doing 5 x 50 min cardio / strength training sessions a week.

My starting weight was 178lbs and my target is 140lbs. I lost 30lbs a year ago (I started at 198lbs), but put on 10lbs back. My own fault. I stopped paying attention.

Anyway, today I dug out and set up my Wii so I can add in some fun to my exercise. I set up the balance board and completed a Body Test.

I nearly fell off when it weighed me at 123lbs!!!!!

I realized that it was because it was on thick carpet and I needed to add the feet...

Anyway, for that one moment I could really visualize and feel what it would be like to be 123lbs. It was an AMAZING feeling!!!!

123 is a little lower than my realistic target, but even so, it makes me want to get on that Wii one day act ACTUALLY be 123lbs :-)


  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    Amazing, congratulations!
  • mniakm
    mniakm Posts: 12
    You are totally awesome! The method you are using is the RIGHT method, no shortcuts, no diet pills, no tricks, I love that. There are no shortcuts to weight loss, but rather the traditional method or eating right and exercising you are doing is the perfection. You are a great example to others, especially anyone desperate to lose weight. Best of luck and you will be one day admiring the 123 lbs on the scale...then you can celebrate!
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you. The 30lbs I lost were over 9 months working with a trainer 3x a week. It was hard and sometimes I just didn't want to go, but I did and I was thankful. I did watch what I ate, but not too strictly.

    I moved, so I can't see my trainer anymore, but we still text and he is a great friend (after listening to me for 3x a week for 9 months, he knows me well...LOL).

    I can't tell you how disappointed I was with myself when I realized I had put on 10lbs. Staying at 168lb was not where I wanted to be, but at least I felt I had made progress. To find that in 3 months I had put that 10lbs back on was soul destroying, but I understood the reasons and I realized I could only blame myself.

    Time to step up, take charge and change my life. My friend (who is 5' 7" and 120lbs) said to me "The treat is not what you eat, but how you feel in your jeans".

    My Brother in Law had the best line though. "Little pickers wear big knickers". His girlfriend just lost 30lbs!

    With supportive friends, new pals on MFP and new motivation, I know I will get there. Once I am there, I am NEVER going back!