I am not very happy!!!



  • Maggie1960
    Next time put some hot peppers in it.<g> I'd suggest keeping some "Lean Cuisine" or some "Healthy Choices" in the freezer, that way you always have something you can grab and take to work.

    She'd still have eaten it with hot peppers in it! Nothing seems to faze her, she'll chow down on curry and chilli if she can get some!!!
    I've got a Weightwatcher's microwave meal for lunch now.
  • Roboguy
    Roboguy Posts: 25 Member
    Funny! But sad...

    I have to be extra careful when bringing in groceries because we have a stray cat in my neighborhood who will jump into my opened car trunk and find food. I caught him one day snatching a pack of hotdogs from one of the bags.

    I really had to admire his tenacity. You can see a photo of the little thief at the link below.

  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Nutritional Value of Dog Meat

    Dog meat contains high-quality protein. When dog meat is boiled, its fiber becomes loose, which is good for digestion. So eating pork in summer season sometimes causes digestive problems, but dog meat doesn't do any harm, and its fat can be digested several times more easily than beef. The fat contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acid with little cholesterol, which is preventive for high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

    The nutritional value of dog meat (in 100g)

    Cal 116.7

    Protein 19.0 g

    Fat 20 g

    Sugar 3.4 g

    Fiber 0.7 g

    Calcium 40 mg

    Iron 2.7 mg

    Sodium 72 mg

    Potassium 270 mg
  • Maggie1960
    Nutritional Value of Dog Meat

    Dog meat contains high-quality protein. When dog meat is boiled, its fiber becomes loose, which is good for digestion. So eating pork in summer season sometimes causes digestive problems, but dog meat doesn't do any harm, and its fat can be digested several times more easily than beef. The fat contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acid with little cholesterol, which is preventive for high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

    The nutritional value of dog meat (in 100g)

    Cal 116.7

    Protein 19.0 g

    Fat 20 g

    Sugar 3.4 g

    Fiber 0.7 g

    Calcium 40 mg

    Iron 2.7 mg

    Sodium 72 mg

    Potassium 270 mg

    Are you suggesting I should have got my revenge on Phoebe by stealing one of her cans of food for my lunch?:laugh:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member

    Are you suggesting I should have got my revenge on Phoebe by stealing one of her cans of food for my lunch?:laugh:

    I was giving you the nutritional value of dog meat; not dog food.
  • Maggie1960

    Are you suggesting I should have got my revenge on Phoebe by stealing one of her cans of food for my lunch?:laugh:

    I was giving you the nutritional value of dog meat; not dog food.

    Dog meat as in cooked dog?:noway:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member

    Dog meat as in cooked dog?:noway:

    As unconventional as it may sound, having travelled extensively, I have learned that one culture's revered pet is another culture's sustenance.

    But, Maggie, I was only kidding. I would never seriously suggest such a thing. Maybe just a swat on the nose -- THIS TIME!
  • Maggie1960
    Now I know how nutritional she is, I shall bear it in mind next time she steals my lunch!:smile:
  • lesliekae
    lesliekae Posts: 57 Member
    Haha or he's telling you to eat the little s*@t for eating your meal. That's preposterously hilarious.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I also feel your pain. I live with three little food snatchers, a Lhasa Apso, a Shih tzu, and a Yorkshire "Terror" who I think is part goat!!:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: He is also part acrobat, and perfectly capable of opening cupboards, or jumping high enough to knock things off the kitchen counter--and he is FOURTEEN!!!:noway:

    In the 10 months I have had him, I have lost more than one package of Orowheat Sandwich thins, left too close to the counter's edge, or stolen from the tote bag I carried to work. My other two were never food snatchers until the Yorkie joined us.

    The little Yorkie pirate SHARES, too. Last Thanksgiving, about 6 weeks after he joined my household, I came home from having dinner elsewhere to a cupboard door that was open. An empty bag of doggy chew bones was lying on the floor in front of it, with a hole chewed in one end. In the living room, I found "The Three Little Pigs," looking very thankful--each happily gnawing on their own bone!!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    More recently, last Monday evening, the Shih tzu cost me $83 and a nervous trip to the doggie ER. I was giving the Lhasa some pain meds, since she had tweaked her back, and just as she took the pill pocket I gave her with the meds inside, my Shih tzu came running in the room and startled the Lhasa, who dropped the pill pocket,. Before I could move, the Shih tzu grabbed it and inhaled 75 mg of Tramadol:noway: --WAAAAY too much for a dog his size.

    I called the 24-hour vet clinic near my home, and they induced vomiting. When the process was complete, he came bouncing out of the exam room as though he had just been to the spa--acting just like the little character that he is. They sent him home with instructions to wake him once or twice during the night to make sure he was acting normally. At 3:30a in the morning, I woke him up and HE wanted to PLAY!!:laugh: :laugh: :ohwell:

    I am glad you found another option for your lunch. Dogs, you gotta love 'em!!!:heart::heart:
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Now I know how nutritional she is, I shall bear it in mind next time she steals my lunch!:smile:
    I am a dog lover and have a small pack at home myself, but I have also travelled to some of the worlds less desirable locations and I have eaten Dog. It is possitively the most foul tasting meat you can imagine. I think it has to do with the Dog being carniverous. Although Crocodile tastes awesome so maybe it is something else!!!