Some off topic randomness

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
The preschool that Lilliana went to last week did not work out for us. I pulled her and un-enrolled her. She was miserable. She cried in the morning, when I picked her up, and at night. After the fourth day I went to the school to sit in on the class to see what was going on and realized that school (in-home) was not a right fit for us.

I researched that Friday and found a preschool down the street from our house. I went and toured. It is not an in-home. I really like the school. Lilliana seemed to really like the school. They have cameras in all the classes so that the parents can watch their child online throughout the day. It's expensive, but I don't care. I want my daughter at a good place where she is happy.

Yesterday was first day. She didn't cry at all. Picked her up, she was so happy. Said she couldn't wait to go back.

This morning...drama. Cried. Cried. Cried some more. Dropped her off. She didn't cry after I left until now. That's the thing about the cameras, you can see everything they do. And it's torture on a mother's heart when you see your child upset. The cameras are good, but can also be bad. I need to stop looking.

I know it takes a while for her to adjust, but I want my girl to be happy and have fun. Torture, I tell you. Torture to my heart.



  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    That is awesome that they have cameras up! What a terrific idea so parents can feel comfortable seeing their children all day and knowing there are no bad teaching practices going on!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Yeah we have been there, a good fit is important to everything from behavior to development
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I was a preschool teacher for 10 years before recently switching careers. It is normal for them to cry as they adjust to the new environment. She may be trying to figure out the schedule and how everything works. I don't know how old your daughter is but I taught 2 year olds and some cried for 2 weeks straight, then they were fine. Its nice that you can see her and see what she is doing. It might be good to schedule an appt with her teacher to find out if there is anything they are noticing. Also, its probably best not to talk about it too much at night, this sometimes can stress them out more. Good luck!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    my daughter's school has the cameras only advise to you is NOT TO WATCH....seeing her crying is not going to make your day any better....check in with them throughout the day over the phone and depending on what they tell you - GO back when you get home if you can (we can do back from open to close - 10 min increments) to see if she was how they described....
    it will take time to adjust...she needs to feel secure and loved so push the teachers to make her feel that way...pull the i'm a working mom card and start crying me they want to make you and her happy....give her time....give yourself time....and stop beating yourself up because she has to be in daycare...and if anyone gives you *kitten* for putting her in daycare because you have to work ask them to pay your bills until she goes to kindergarten so you can stay home with her...that will shut them up.....being a working mom is the hardest thing i have had to do besides being a wife.....
    good luck and have a great snuggle with her when you get about all the great things in her class about her new friends about all the fun things she does and will continue to do happy and she will be happy eventually.....
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    She's 3 years old about to turn 4 in October. My sweet girl. I love her so much.
  • Last year my son Tommy had the best teacher at Headstart, and he is going back again this year, because he's not old enough for kindergarten. His birthday is September 7th, so just a little shy of that cut off mark. Pisses me off! But anyway, I insisted that he be put in that teachers classroom. I don't think there is anyone else that can deal with him like she can.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    This may sound silly, but just a thought (while we are off topic, anyway!! LOL!)

    Have your daughter's teacher(s) take a picture of each of her classmates with her and at night time have her tell you some fun facts about each of them. It will make her feel like her classmates are like extended family. This is the time when friendships can be started. Possibly ones that will last well past high school. My son just graduated high school with about 5 of the same friends he had in pre-school. (They are all girls and very enamored with him, mind you!!!)

    I think the best thing about pre-school is their newly found independence .Somewhere that they can call their own space.

    Good luck, Mom. You will get through this. I applaud any child care provider/school that have the cameras. Obviously nothing to hide.

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