down in the dumps

Hey everyone

I've been on here since October and have lost 21 lbs but have no motivation to loose any more. I had a baby 3 months ago and just feel down in the dumps ago about the way my body is looking. I have 3 children and done with having anymore.

I gained 60 lbs with baby and have lost about 50 of the 60 but would like to loose 30 more.

Anyone else can relate to having the baby blues funk? Really would like to get healthy and happy for my family


  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Hello I had my baby in November of 2013 and have been on this weight loss journey for almost a month. I am going to send you a friend request. I know how hard it is to stay motivated!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I have struggled with depression, and post partum depression. Rx meds never worked. I now use cannabis sativa for depression, and it works very well. I know that marijuana is supposed to make you lazy and stupid, but as it turns out I think they lied to us about it all. I use it to motivate me to do what needs to be done: exercise, housework etc. Of course I am not giving medical advice, just sharing my story a bit. I know what it is like to not care about anything- to struggle to get motivation to do -anything-. I wish you the best.
  • dlin04
    dlin04 Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm a guy and know nothing about what it's like to be a mom, so you can immediately dismiss my entire post!

    Personally, I think it's OK to feel down in the dumps about our bodies from time to time. They sometimes fail us and other times outright stab us in the back (ask my ankle circa 2007 how it feels about betraying the rest of my body!).

    But there are just a couple of things to keep in mind that maybe will help you have a new perspective on how you feel?

    1) The days are short - you have been doing this since the late fall and into the winter. You've been seeing less sunlight, less daylight, and the seasons have a known and potentially powerful effect on people's moods in general.

    2) You just had a baby! From what I understand these feelings/moods/outlooks can be quite normal after having a baby. If they are particularly strong or start to really negatively affect your life, sometimes it can be diagnosed as postpartum depression.

    3) How have you been sleeping? I bet it's not as well or as high quality sleep as you probably had before!

    Healthy and happy are totally available to you. Don't give up! It might take some time, it might take falling down and getting back up, it might even take a short break or hiatus, possibly vacation in the 'dark playground' of 'maybe later,' but you will get back to it!

    Much luck, nice username, hope you will pull through and have good feelings ahead.
  • Thank you all for the support and feedback. Sometimes we are harder on our selves then we deserve.
  • karimonahan
    karimonahan Posts: 25 Member

    i have three kids too, ages 6,3,2. it is hard to lose the weight, truly is and finding the time to workout can be hard at times, there is always something else that needs to be done weather its the housework or the kids need something. you just need to remember that if this is something that you really want to do, you need to find the time. in order for you to be a great mum, you really do need to take care of yourself, if you don't who will?
    you have done great losing so far!!!! what do you enjoy doing for workouts? Me, personally I love all of Jillian Michael's dvd's!!!
    add me if you would like!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Congrats on your loss! That is a substantial amount and took a lot of hard work. I think you should consider taking a break and eating at maintenance until you feel better. Having a baby (congrats to you again) and caring for three children takes a lot of stamina. The weight can wait and who knows, if you increase your calories you may end up burning more because of the increase in energy. Good luck to you, I am so glad you reached out for encouragement. :flowerforyou:
  • Yes finding the time is hard. With an infant and two other to tend to makes it hard . I did do work videos in the past. With the nasty weather I guess it has made me lazy.
  • Thanks to everyone one again for support :)