Help what do i eat?

megu2010 Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Im just starting my new diet and i am kind of a picky eater. Can anyone help me? Point me in the right direction on foods that are healthy? I do like junk food and i know i need to stay away from that and pop. Any recipe ideas or snack ideas would be great! Thank you in advance :smile:


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    More info please. If you're picky I do not know that any of our suggestions will apply. But I like string cheese, almonds, chex mix, raw baby carrots, vita top muffin tops, light yogurt, ALL fruit, peanut butter on crackers or pretzels, etc... Good luck!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I find its more of portion and finding the best ways to make things you like, it will be easier to stick to, I am having hamburgers and doritos for dinner tonight :)
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I find its more of portion and finding the best ways to make things you like, it will be easier to stick to, I am having hamburgers and doritos for dinner tonight :)

    NICE! I am having TACOS! But, instead of putting hamburger and full fat cheese, I use turkey burger, reduced fat cheese, and salsa! Such a great, satisfying dinner for less calories!!

    I am also a big snacker! I like Special K breakfast bars, Fiber One bars, almonds, fresh fruit, granola (I make my own), and yogurt.
  • If you want nice skin go with salmon, chicken, walnut, almond, blueberries, broccoli, cantolope, flax seed meal, brown rice, plain yogurt, cucumbers, peppers, apples.....

    Or you can just lose by eating what your used to. Just enter it all in the food diary at the beginning of the day (or the night before) to figure out what kind of portion sizes will keep you in your goal range.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I find its more of portion and finding the best ways to make things you like, it will be easier to stick to, I am having hamburgers and doritos for dinner tonight :)

    NICE! I am having TACOS! But, instead of putting hamburger and full fat cheese, I use turkey burger, reduced fat cheese, and salsa! Such a great, satisfying dinner for less calories!!

    I am also a big snacker! I like Special K breakfast bars, Fiber One bars, almonds, fresh fruit, granola (I make my own), and yogurt.

    I had tacos last night, use lean beef, low fat tortillas, 2% cheese etc and they arent that bad.. FOOD isnt this evil thing, you just gotta learn how to eat it right
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I considered myself picky, but I've been trying lots of new foods since I started eating healthier and I realized there was absolutely no basis for my pickiness! I love seafood now, I tried several white fish (cod, tilapia and mahi mahi), I love crab and shrimp, etc. I eat portobello mushrooms, bananas, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, hummus, guacamole. All foods I refused to touch until this year... and they're SOOOO tasty!

    So aside from finding healthy foods that you do like, be adventurous and trying some new healthy foods. I think you'll be surprised what you end up liking. And it means you have lots more options.
  • jac2lyn
    jac2lyn Posts: 90
    I eat alot of fruit to fill my snack - it can be more expensive but I like to buy pre cut apple slices and grapes, string cheese, canned pineapple in juice only (no syrup) whole almonds, baby carrots and celery with peanut butter. I eat lots of chicken, fish and veggies for dinner.

    I use to be picky but started trying new things and turns out, I LIKE THEM. (my mom was right but I will never tell her that)

    Look online for recipes and stuff, you will find staples in your diet that you truly love!!

    Good luck
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    More info please. If you're picky I do not know that any of our suggestions will apply. But I like string cheese, almonds, chex mix, raw baby carrots, vita top muffin tops, light yogurt, ALL fruit, peanut butter on crackers or pretzels, etc... Good luck!

    I completely agree with this. The change in my diet has mostly been a change of portion.
    Last night I had chili and cornbread.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    'Healthy' food is:
    lean protein - meat, fish, chicken
    complex carbs - fruit & vegetables, grains, pulses
    monosaturated fats - nuts, olive oil, oily fish

    chuck in some dark chocolate to keep you sane :laugh:

    oh, and dont forget some dairy for calcium :bigsmile:

    Definitey ditch the junk food. But, as most have said, most of us still eat a little of what we fancy :wink:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ldkalleck
    ldkalleck Posts: 10 Member
    That's exactly what I"m having for dinner, turkey burger and all. Except, we're crunching the shells and turning it into a taco salad :-)

    For the most part, I've noticed that I can anything I want as long as I control how much I eat. I'm definitely able to get full on less food now. :-)

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • ldkalleck
    ldkalleck Posts: 10 Member
    That's exactly what I"m having for dinner, turkey burger and all. Except, we're crunching the shells and turning it into a taco salad :-)

    For the most part, I've noticed that I can anything I want as long as I control how much I eat. I'm definitely able to get full on less food now. :-)

    Good luck with your weight loss!

    Grrr. That was supposed to be in response the the taco post :-p
  • LadyHJ
    LadyHJ Posts: 2
    If you love soda, one good option my husband likes is mixing diet lemon-lime or cream sodas(which he ordinarily despises) with a zippy fruit juice like grape, cranberry, orange, or pomegranite (get the ones that are 100% sugar free or 100% juice). Use 1/2 a can of soda for 1/2 cup of juice to total an 8oz glass. People usually say it's better to go for whole fruit than juice, but the simple fact is that when compared with soda 100% juice mixes are 10 times better. Additionally, fruit juice usually isn't carbonated, and if you are a soda addict, you will need to wean yourself off that gradually. Doing this helped my spouse to go from around 14-20 cans of sugary pop to around 3-5 in a day. When he tried to just drop the soda or just switch entirely to diet, it didn't work. The diet didn't work because he's in an active job and he actually needs something with calories in it--a break is enough for a drink OR a snack, but not both. He tried drinking sports drinks, but honestly beyond being un-carbonated those are usually worse than soda. Another good option is iced tea and coffee (with a no-calorie sweetener and no milk / cream). There are also vitamin waters and diet drinks like crystal light, which is 5 calories / serving, or 10 calories per packet. Basically crystal light is like the koolaid you had as a kid, only with no sugar. Some of them have added vitamins, and some are caffeinated. It comes in lots of fruit and tea flavors. I'm personally a big fan of that, but then I've never really been a soda addict anyway. My problem was too much tea and coffee, and high calorie cofee drinks. The health professionals say "just drink water" but hey, many places the water tastes awful or is full of unhealthy chemicals and metals. As far as the snacks, try buying your junk food in those 100 calorie packets, and having 1-2 a day only (in total, not for each kind of snack). Try this for a couple of months to get yourself used to smaller portion sizes before you try buying in bulk again. Also try going for baked, reduced sugar, no sugar, or low-fat versions. If you like the taste, you just saved yourself some free calories without giving up your snack.
  • Thank you everyone soooo much. You have all given me so many great ideas. What i really need to do is learn portion control. I think also a big part of it is im afraid of trying new things and i know i have to. Thank you all again if i buy the right foods and not junk ill have no choice but to eat healthy. But i will treat myself every once in awhile!:tongue:
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