Busy college commuter looking for friends and help!



  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    I spend a couple hours on Sunday preparing meals for the week. I steam some salmon, bake chicken breast, grill hamburgers, and put them into Ziploc bags, Tupperware, etc. I also make my own individual-sized veggie bags with cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and celery. I buy individual sized yogurt. Each day, I grab a protein, a veggie bag, and a yogurt.

    If you look around, you might find that there is a place where you have access to a microwave. I have been at several schools, and often in the student union or near the cafeteria, there was an area (often hidden, around a corner, or in a separate lounge area) where students had access to a sink and a microwave. Go to the Union information desk and ask.

    A lot of academic departments will have coffee rooms, break rooms, etc., that have a microwave and sink. Find a reason to visit a couple of your professors, and just take a look around the area. Then just ask the department secretary if it's okay for you to toss something into the microwave. As long as you clean up after yourself, you will find such people very accommodating. That is also good networking so that when you graduate, you will know lots of people who will be happy to write letters of recommendation for you because they will know you from seeing you around more.
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, that was extremely helpful! Since this is the last week of winter classes and campus is super empty, I will work on taking advantage of your ideas this week. Thank you so, so much!
  • I second the people suggesting meal prep. I carry lunch and dinner with me everywhere I go so I'm not tempted to buy some crappy food from the school cafeteria. It only takes me a couple of hours to bake chicken breast, boil brown rice and steam mixed vegetables and I'm set for the week. If you are a snacker, like me, remember to carry some almonds, oranges, apples and maybe a protein bar and lots of water.

    Good luck! :)
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    I will definitely start the meal prepping! Thank you for all the tips!
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member

    I just turned 20 years old two weeks ago, I am a junior in college and I am majoring in Education and Spanish so I understand business! I came here in 2011 and lost 73 pounds, got lazy and content but now Im back for more. School is over for us April 30th and I am hoping to get a job as a ride host at Cedar point so I want to look good. I want to lose 60 pounds before my 21st birthday on December 27th but at least half of that before my summer at CP starts!

    Add me and message me anytime, i'm actually food prepping lunches as we speak. Rice, chicken and two vegetables. I go to the gym for about 2 hours with one rest day. I am conditioning for my boxing season which starts in July and I have to be in the correct weight class. So my gym schedule for the next month is 30 day shred and NROLFW. Next month will be ripped in 30 and starting C25K. And for my last 60 days of this semester I'll be doing Insanity!
  • I'm a college student as well & I plan on going to medical school with a focus on preventative, nutrition based medicine! I generally eat pretty well but I struggle to get enough protein because of food intolerances & allergies (gluten, dairy, meat). I am 5'9, 152 pounds trying to get back to my ideal weight of 142, the last year my weight has been as low as 129 and as high as 165 as I was dealing with subacute thyroiditis. Now I am trying to stay healthy and I would love any friends who have similar goals especially if anyone has similar food issues! Adding you now! :)
  • I'm a college commuter too! I'm also trying to lose around 60 pounds. I'm doing Zumba actually as one of my classes (first workout Tuesday!!) and training for a half marathon in October. Definitely looking for friends on here. Feel free to add me :)