
I am a full time student that works two jobs so I have very little free time. I try to go to the gym at least every other day and most of the time I go almost every day. The problem is eating right. I don't have a lot of money or time. I would love to be able to cut out all of the junk but when I get home from everything late at night I just want to eat everything salty and sugary. Does anyone have any motivational tips or tricks that have helped avoid the late night bingeing? Also, does anyone have any quick healthy meals or snacks to take on the go?


  • xomariie
    xomariie Posts: 8
    I am a full time student that works two jobs so I have very little free time. I try to go to the gym at least every other day and most of the time I go almost every day. The problem is eating right. I don't have a lot of money or time. I would love to be able to cut out all of the junk but when I get home from everything late at night I just want to eat everything salty and sugary. Does anyone have any motivational tips or tricks that have helped avoid the late night bingeing? Also, does anyone have any quick healthy meals or snacks to take on the go?
  • bittersweet22
    bittersweet22 Posts: 47 Member
    quacker makes a lot of snacks. in 90 calorie packs. They are great because they have sweet and salty snacks. If you are still feeling hungry you should try to eat more fiber. fiber fills you up more and it takes more energy for your body to get rid of. I recomend fiber one. they have some very tasty cereal! And remember, you can still eat some things that you love, you just need to watch out for how much you are eating. at first it will take some time until you get use to it, but try messuring out everthing that you eat and drink. hope that helps!!
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    if you have the time, prep food during the weekend, or after you're done shopping for groceries. i bought a set of cheap ziploc tupperware thingies, and i use those for my breakfast and lunches during the week. i usually do fruit/yogurt/cereal for breakfast. grapes and bananas are really easy to prep and stay good for at least a week. also, you could make 'chop' salads for lunches or snacks. me and my hubby use that term for salads without lettuce (which gets wilty fast). carrots, grape tomoatoes, bell pepper, brocolli all last a long time too.