
Weekends are a big conflict for me and a time I struggle to keep to my calorie intake, the temptation of an extra can of cider or two while I watch the football, perhaps a little more wine over dinner. Eating extra as well, there is the chance to take the dog for an extra long walk tho (but only if the weather is good) Does anyone have any specific tips for getting through weekends?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pre-plan them and stick to them. You can still have the goodies, but you need to work them into your goal. If you want more, you have to work hard for it. Usually I pre-log all of my day's food, and if I find I want to have something else to snack on, then I'll workout ahead of time to wiggle it in.
  • littlenature
    I try to stay really active during the weekends to counter the extra alcohol calories! I also don't drink any alcohol throughout the week. And Mondays are my 'lightest' days, food wise, which helps to even things out. Write down how much cider/ wine you have, be aware of the calories and enjoy!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,718 Member
    I do bigger cardio workouts because I have more time on the weekend. Earns me some extra cals for social eating and drinking.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Hi Alan.

    I'm afraid this might not help but I don't view Sat/Sun any different to Monday to Friday. To me I eat what I want when I want every day and stick to my calorie goal.

    I'm in London and watch Tottenham Hotspur most games and if I have 3/4 beers I pre-log them and just don't eat the double cheeseburger I once might have. Or if I do ill eat a slightly smaller breakfast. Or ill walk the 3 mile trip to the ground rather than drive. All these little things work for me and hopefully will for you too.