
:flowerforyou: Do you need a midweek boost? I sure do! Join the Skinny Wednesday Challenge and let us help you get "over the hump" with ease ...Here's what it entails:

Think double, double, double! :happy: :happy:
Double your exercise~ :tongue: :tongue:
Double your water intake (within healthy limits)~ :drinker: :drinker:
Double your willpower to stop eating after dinner and log every tidbit that crosses those lips! :bigsmile:

Just let us know now if you are in....then check in and out when you can tomorrow to let us know how it is going and encourage someone else. Grab a buddy and make the commitment! :heart: There is power in numbers....I know one thing for sure.....

I AM SO IN!!! Are you? :bigsmile:

Bring it on Wed! :laugh: :smooched:
