I gained 12 pounds :`(

Full disclosure time. I gained 12 pounds this year. Ugh. Considering the year though, I'm surprised it wasn't more.

I had my 3rd child in July 2010, and stayed around 195 lbs after that. In January 2012, my aunt sent me a photo of me and my family from Christmas, and that was my trigger. I didn't recognize myself, and was completely disgusted. I started logging, at 1200 cal/day. My husband started 4 days after me. I lost about 70 pounds in 7 months. Four months in, I upped my calories to 1500/day, and started running and cycling and eating back my calories. I continued to lose at a good pace, and ended up around 128 pounds. I continued to run throughout the summer, did a few 5ks, took a 25 mile bike ride.

Then the fall 2012 semester began. I continued to exercise and eat well. I got a part time job in October, and ran last in November 2012. My part time job was more like 30+ hours/week. I graduated from grad school May 2013, got married in June 2013 (70 guest wedding on a ship, it was amazing), studied for and took the social work licensing exam (passed!) and the MPRE (ethics portion of the bar exam - also passed) in July and August 2013. Back to school August 2013. In October 2013, I took a full time position (same job, just full time salary w/benefits and a nice office!).

So here's where I'm at today, raising 3 kids (and a husband :), working full time as a foster care social worker (highly demanding and intense job), and will graduate from law school in 3.5 months!!

Over the past year, I didn't overindulge that much, I just didn't count strictly and didn't exercise, though I am active at work. My husband also became lax (he had lost 150 pounds, gained 39 back - and will be pissed if he reads this ;)

We don't do resolutions, but we did begin again on MFP on 1/1/14, as we were officially done with holiday parties as of then. I had my period, so waited until today to weigh. I'm at 140.6. Not too happy about that, but it could be worse! I'm back to eating 1200 calories, and doing well (when I get to my UGW of 115 my TDEE will be 1560, so please don't tell me I'm eating too little!)

After I graduate in May, I'm taking a 13 week leave of absence from work to study for the bar exam. The first 10 weeks I will be studying and getting my fitness on. I can't freaking wait! The 11th week is the NYS bar exam, then a week of doing NOTHING (except for long bike rides, of course), then a week in the Allegany mountains camping with my family, then back to work. I'll ONLY be working full time then, and my hours are incredibly flexible, so I'll be in a good fitness routine and will be able to keep that up.

Thanks for reading, pals. Feel free to friend me, though be warned that I'm not too active on here (I have a lot else going on!) and my diary is private (as I don't appreciate unsolicited feedback on what I eat :)


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Sounds like you have had a big year! Congratulations on all the fantastic things you've done!

    I know you don't want to hear that you're eating too little, but why would you take a cut from your UGW TDEE? There's a few different philosophies regarding setting your calories, and none of them involve cutting a couple hundred calories from your GW TDEE. Theory 1 is that you take your 20% cut from your CURRENT TDEE, theory 2 is that you set your calories TO the UGW TDEE, so that would mean 1560 for you, and let your body regulate your weight to that calorie amount.

    I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news that you don't want to hear, but with a 1200 calorie diet, it will be nearly impossible to maintain your losses. Choose a more moderate calorie amount, and you won't be back here next time with an inevitable gain.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you :) Definitely was a big year! They were all things I've been talking about and planning to do. Now they're things I've done!

    My current TDEE is 1680. So I'm eating 1200 to have a decent deficit.