monthly weigh-in

Does anyone do monthly weigh-ins instead of weekly? I have always done weekly weigh-ins but im beginning to look at everything at bit different; my two main goals are to lose weight and lead a healthier life style. In the past I have always focused on losing weigh in order to have a healthier lifestyle but this time im more focused on leading a healthier life style in order to lose weight, therefore I dont want to focus on weigh-ins all the time as one bad week can put me off track!

So I was wondering if anyone else is or has done monthly weigh-ins, if so have how have you found it? Im a bit worried that it could work against me as I cant really be held accountable at the end of everyweek and I dont know if a whole month is going to be too long without having that boost of seeing pounds come off! Just dont know whether to go for it or not?!