Any moms out there with some post baby weight to lose

Any moms out there with some post baby weight to lose lets join together and help motivate each other. Anyone who wants to add me feel free. We all wanted to eat for our babies now we need to eat right for ourselves, and excercis!!!! Good luck to everyone...


  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    im trying to lose some from my first. feel free to add me! :)
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I've lost all my post baby weight and I'm still going strong I'll send you a friend request.

    I gained 30 lbs with my son. So far I've lost all that plus 20. I didn't gain with my daughter because I was sick all the time.
  • Paula_Addem
    Paula_Addem Posts: 80 Member
    Here I am! :) I had my daughter in March 2009 and now, a year a half later, I'm 25lbs away from my goal. Of course, it took me a long time to get started on this journey again (I say again cause I lost a bunch of weight 5 years ago and then gained it all back and then some.), but I'm really excited cause I can see the end!! Gotta get to my goal and keep at my goal weight before starting for baby number 2! I'm not going to be overweight the next time I get pregnant!! Yeah!
  • mkpeacock
    Oh YES I am lol I have 9,6,3 and 1 most of my weight however is from the last one!! I am no longer having any more babies :cry: but ya know I know this is the time I need to get in shape the most so I can actually run and have fun with my kids with out getting so winded I cant see strait!! I quit smoking about 4 months ago and that helped a little but I still have issues with my weight getting to me!!! :grumble: I am here for your support it you need some!! :bigsmile:
  • ardaniels0417
    Awesome job!!!! Keep up the good work, what has worked for you?
  • ardaniels0417
    Oh YES I am lol I have 9,6,3 and 1 most of my weight however is from the last one!! I am no longer having any more babies :cry: but ya know I know this is the time I need to get in shape the most so I can actually run and have fun with my kids with out getting so winded I cant see strait!! I quit smoking about 4 months ago and that helped a little but I still have issues with my weight getting to me!!! :grumble: I am here for your support it you need some!! :bigsmile:

    Awesome job quitting the smoking that will make such a big difference for you. Great work!!!!!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    There are a bunch of us in a group on here, it's called Time for Us Moms! Look us up.
  • mkpeacock
    Oh YES I am lol I have 9,6,3 and 1 most of my weight however is from the last one!! I am no longer having any more babies :cry: but ya know I know this is the time I need to get in shape the most so I can actually run and have fun with my kids with out getting so winded I cant see strait!! I quit smoking about 4 months ago and that helped a little but I still have issues with my weight getting to me!!! :grumble: I am here for your support it you need some!! :bigsmile:

    Awesome job quitting the smoking that will make such a big difference for you. Great work!!!!!

    Thank you so much it was hard to begin with and I still have cravings every now and again but I find a peice of gum does just as well and I dont eat my self in to a stooper lol