Right then, lifestyle change it is....

I've almost always been overweight throughout my adult life but that includes when I was UK size 10/12 and felt horrific. I'm now bursting out of a size 18 and the depth of my self loathing knows no bounds.

I've always been very private about my statistics mainly through shame but this clearly has done me no favours so it's time for some honesty.
I'm almost 39, I weight 211 lb and I'm 160 cm tall.
People used to comment on my smile when they first met me, they said it would light up my face. No-one says it any more and that might be because all people notice when they meet me is my huge belly or maybe it's because I don't smile anymore...I'm sobbing in self pity right now.

I'm not doing this anymore.

I want to turn 40 knowing that I'm a healthy body, I want to be able to wear any clothes not just the ones appropriate for my size ie tent like tops and elasticated trousers. I also want to be in that same position when I turn 50 and 60 , I also want to reach 70, 80 and 90. Which I won't if I don't sort out my health now.

I'm joining Slimming World tomorrow which is going to kickstart my Weightloss and lifestyle change.

I'm bloody well doing this or my weight will kill me.


  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Your in the right place here. I've got no positives regarding slimming world after someone I know said she couldn't eat anything fried. Wtf???

    Just count your calories, truthfully, and you'll lose weight. I'm from London so fella uk here and I've lost 5 stone since last May.

    Good luck.
  • B406095
    Thanks for the good luck, it's going to be design rather than luck though but I know what you mean. Re the frying, I know you can fry on slimming world, you either use fry light spray or count the oil as syns. Your friend needs to speak to their consultant..
  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    welcome and all the best on your journey!! it truly is as simple as logging food everyday and moving more, those pounds will starting coming off and that in turn will motivate you more, you are worth the effort. grab yourself some digital kitchen scales if you can, helps you stay accurate. feel free to add me if you need a chearleader :)
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I will look up slimmung world but just wanted to say Congratulations on your decision to be healthier . It really changes everything in your life - not just your body .

  • Cozmetick
    Cozmetick Posts: 94 Member
    I know how you feel!
    We're all here to help!

    With regards to slimming world, all it is, is a way for companies to get your money. I tried it twice. Lost weight but felt awful and ended up putting it back on!
  • B406095
    Yes I'm fairly cynical about Weightloss companies too but I went to my doctor in tears, struggling with my teenage son and she has referred me to a health trainer, she said not for my weight but to deal with my state of mind and make me better able to cope with parenting a teenager. It's all part of the mix, if I'm feeling suicidal about my weight how can I possibly deal positively with a teen?
    I wouldn't ever do it by the way, he depends on me and it is the cruelest thing I could ever do to him but I admit, sometimes I wish I could without hurting anyone. I feel so tired and hopeless.
  • curlysue06
    curlysue06 Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome! I once weighed over 100lbs and lost 70lbs of it two years ago. I still have 40 more to go. This journey is really hard but with the right motivation and friends youll get through it. I would love to support you. Please feel free to add me. Together, we could help each other reach our goals.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Hey :) I think you've done the right thing by joining MFP, as it's the only thing that's ever truly worked for me. I yo yo dieted through my teens and then when I was 20 I thought sod this, signed up, and lost 137lbs. This was a year ago, and I've managed to maintain it since then.

    Everyone here is lovely and helpful.

    Good luck!
  • MrsMRG
    MrsMRG Posts: 9 Member
    You still have a great smile!
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Thanks for the good luck, it's going to be design rather than luck though but I know what you mean. Re the frying, I know you can fry on slimming world, you either use fry light spray or count the oil as syns. Your friend needs to speak to their consultant..

    Count them as sins? Yeah not for me.

    Anyway, good luck here on MFP you couldn't wish for a better place to lose weight.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    You can do this! And the best part of MFP is that it really is (as another commenter said) as simple as logging your food and starting to move a bit more.

    It's a useful thing for your teenage son, too - not that he has to do it. Anything you learn about eating healthIER (start small!), he's gonna see.

    My son is now 24, and he's started MFP too. Not too much to lose, but he's using it to learn better nutritional balance. It's a handy tool! He's halfway across the continent from me, yet we sometimes cook together via chat/photos.

    Above all, find something uplifting: a group, some MFP friends, a website, a really nice walking route...something that makes you feel GREAT while you're on this journey. Start small, and know that you've got this!

    P.S. Here is a really nice (if long) series of articles that I thought was quite encouraging:
  • B406095
    Thank you all for being so kind, I expected to get negative comments about my size. It's really inspiring to receive such positive comments.
    Thank you so much.
  • B406095
    You still have a great smile!

    Thank you. That photo was taken the last time I felt pretty good, a night out with the girls. I'm way bigger than I was then but I reckon I can get there in the next 12 weeks.