back again! over 30 days now :D

So I am on those of people that fall off the wagon a lot. Whenever I got back on the wagon I would post here and ask for friends because all the others had left and then I would quit a few weeks later.

I have never been on the wagon this long. I feel like it is safe to look for friends again, unless of course friends are the reason I fell off (just kidding)

What am I doing differently this time? I am being a lot less restrictive, and I am not completely cutting out stuff. If i want chick-fil-a then I shall get some, I just won't get the large combo D: It doesn't really matter what I eat as long as it fits, I am almost always over the fat macro but it is not hurting me. Most of that fat comes from olive oil. Also doing power 90 6 days a week. Still drinking alcohol every once in a while too. Eating under 1600, and using the TDEE method.

Changes that have happened in these 30 days: gone in some belt notches, I don't die walking up stairs now (i can even run up them), seems like I have lost more inches than pounds but that's fine, I had lots of knee issues but working out has seemed to have helped them subside a bit.

Really excited for the next month, to see what more changes I will go through health and fitness wise and in my new RN job. So send a request if you feel like it :) I have an open diary for friends.


  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    I was just kidding about the friends being the reason for my falling of the wagon! :)