Out to Eat

I am going to Texas Roadhouse with a friend tonight! I am trying to decide if I want to spoil myself with ONE of their rolls with cinnamon butter, or if I should stay away from those since I'm on Day 12 of being GF. Not to mention that the calories for one roll with butter is 227. BUT I will still have over 300 calories left for the day. What would you do?


  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Why are you GF? What benefit are you hoping to achieve? If it's just for weight loss then it really doesn't matter as long as you're within your calories. If you have some kind of intolerance then it's up to you whether the discomfort is worth it.

    From a weight loss point of view, there's really no need to cut any whole food group out.