Hello from Sydney Australia

Hi I'm Aaliantha,
I joined this site a week ago in hopes of getting some support with my weight loss. In Sept 2013 I tipped the scales at 100kg, so I went to the doctors and they put me on Duromine, by December I had gained 10kg, I managed to get down to 106kg by the end of Dec, still 6kg heavier than when I started the drug. Depressed and frustrated, I decided to try this weight loss drug and pills a friend was selling called Plexus Slim at the end of Dec, I went on to gain 2 more kg in 2 weeks going up to 108kg, I'm still taking it everyday along with the Duromine and a product called Real Dose Nutrition which I bought on the web (also guaranteeing weight loss) which is a vitamin and herb supplement meant to control the hunger hormone Ghrellin. So I guess you can see I am pretty desperate to lose weight. I have just ordered the Fast Diet (5:2 Diet) which my doctor recommended as I have such a slow metabolism and she said she has seen people achieve great results on it (yay the books just arrived at my door, so looks like I'm be starting it today. My goal is to reach 58kg by the end of 2014 that's 48kg almost half my weight, I really hope that with the support of others on here, I will finally be able to reach my goals.
Thanks for reading
Ali x:wink:


  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ali,

    The best support I can offer you is to eat fewer calories each day than you expend.

    Try going for 20% below your TDEE and you should see a steady healthy loss.

    Eat your exercise calories back so you are not under-nourished and tempted to binge.

    Try to make your food nutritionally rich not calorie dense high carb. You get more bang for your buck! (Eg protein keeps you fuller for longer)

    The 5:2 diet might work for you but didn't for me, and should not be used if you've ever had an ED or are a binger.

    You will find a complete and permanent lifestyle change easier to follow and maintain than any diet.

    Throw out the pills - they won't help.

    Take it easy on the water intake, just drink when you are thirsty. If your pee is clear you are drinking too much.

    Keep a journal, it's rewarding to look back on your journey and you can analyse what works and what doesn't for you.

    Finally - experiment on yourself, try cutting out dairy or wheat or processed sugar and record what happens to your body, and take back control.

    Hope that's useful. It all works for me. Good luck