Hey everyone!

TheKeenTaco Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name's Ashley, I am a recent college graduate. I graduated summa cum laude in graphic design and an art history minor. I had a painting job up at campus, which is somewhat active, but living in a dorm with a kitchen for the whole place is another story. All I'd eat were peanut butter sandwiches and ramen, 1) they're cheap and 2) easy to make and clean up. So my eating well goals have only begun once I moved back home, looking for a job, helping my boyfriend with his student teaching to finish his masters program, and now I am just starting to get in the swing of exercising as well!

I'm even embarking on taking on P90X, an intense workout that seems like I could handle it, seeing the sports I did in high school, and believing I'd do the fitness test alright. I love being on the internet, I'm even part of some other online forums, so I'll have to cut back on that. Which, I don't really mind, I like finally being in a great place, at home, to be motivated!

I've never counted calories before, aside from doing it for a few days in health class, but this time I really want to be aware of how many calories I really do consume. I went below today, but we'll see how long that lasts once my boyfriend brings me to a buffet haha. Well hope to meet some awesome people on here, and to stay motivated in getting back down closer to how I was when I graduated... high school that is!
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