A new me for 2014

Hi everyone, I am a 28 year old female from NZ. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been at 106 kg (233lb), i'm 5 7".
The past year year has been the worst of my life both mentally and physically so I am really serious about getting my health into check this year.
I started eating clean a week ago, I have completely cut out all bread and diary (apart from a spoonful of lite greek yogurt in my smoothie each morning) and so far am not finding it too hard. I also joined the gym and have been going each morning, unfortunately due to commitments I only have about 45 mins to work out.
My aim is to get down to 70kg (154lb) which is what I was in University and really happy and looked great.
I am not really sure where to start with MFP so any advice and motivation would be really appreciated! :smile: