
My name is Chris and am a new user to the site. I've been reading the forums for a little while and thought that I would introduce myself.

I've been gradually putting on weight for the past several years. I had back surgery back in 2003 and used that as an excuse for not working out ("oh I can't work out. I'll hurt my back!") Everyone believed it - hey it's legitimate - but deep down I knew it was an excuse.

I wasn't overly worried about putting on the weight until something big happened. On April 2, 2013 I had to go for back surgery a second time and on that day I quit smoking cigarettes. I remember reading on a quit smoking self-help web site something that said, "Yeah, you're gonna put on weight when you quit. But use the extra energy and lung capacity you gain to start exercising and lose it." I kept that little nugget in my back pocket when my taste buds came back to life. I decided that I would give myself 2013 to enjoy food like I never have before. I totally over-indulged and packed on 25 pounds from quitting smoking. But I accepted it because I had committed to being accountable for my health and weight.

I was 226 lbs just before Christmas and somehow lost weight over the holidays, despite not trying. When I joined the site I was at 219 and am now down an additional 3 pounds. Really just from eating more sensibly and incorporating walking on a treadmill. It's funny - I'm eating more than I ever have but I'm eating smarter by measuring quantities, not overdoing it, and eating a lot more fruit and vegetables. My immediate goal is to take off the weight I put on from quitting smoking and once I achieve that I will define a new goal for myself. I'll figure that out when I get there. :)

I love to cook and I love a challenge. I love the challenge of eating healthy and I love how easy it is to cook a healthy meal! I am having a love affair with how alert, emotionally stable, and energized I feel from walking on the treadmill. It's so motivating to see my fitness level increase. One week ago was the first time I used it and I burned a whopping 82 calories lol. Today I burned 351. I know that's not a lot compared to a lot of you but for me it's amazing to see the results so quickly. A 400% increase in one week is incredible.

All the best everyone and good luck in your goals!!

Warm regards,



  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome Chris!

    What a great week for your continued increase in walking!
    A chef, you should do well in learning to cook healthy and making your changes.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like
