T25 or Body Revolution?

I am not sure which program to do. I like the idea that they are both under 30 minutes. However, the Body Revolution uses weights, which I like. The T25 doesn't.
Anyone who has done both have any input?


  • Melissa72187
    Melissa72187 Posts: 68 Member
    I completed t25 and it does use weights so I'm not sure where you got that it doesn't? You use them in beta. I just started day one of body revolution and have to say I love it! A lot less cardio then t25 and you do use more weights which I like. I did like t25 too, I lost 14 lbs from it and gained endurance :)
  • Buhbee
    Buhbee Posts: 108 Member
    Haven't done T25 but have done Body Revolution. I absolutely 100% love that program, I lost all my baby weight and achieved some nice toning. There are cardio dvds in Body Revolution and cardio spurts all through out the program. From what I have seen of T25, its mostly cardio and not a lot of toning.