Here is a tip for making cookies

Most of us want to try and eat healthy. Now I can do without a lot of sweets. But for those that struggle and feel like that when you make a batch of cookies, you must eat them until they are gone. Here is what we do.

Make homemade cookies of course.

Make how ever many you feel comfortable baking. Like if you have a family of 4. Back 4 or 8. Then Refrigerate the dough. Then, when it firm, roll them into balls and freeze them. Keep them hidden in the freezer in an airtight container. Whenever you are baking something. Get a few of the cookie balls out and bake them. Just as many as you want to eat for that night and that is it. Each time we make a cookie recipe. It last about a month.


  • I like this idea! I can't use it in my dorm, but it's definitely something I'll keep in mind for the future!
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I would do that but then I'd want to snack on the cookie dough lol. the only safe option for me is making a single portion and microwaving it on a plate