Anyone else restarting C25k?


I just recently restarted the C25k program (completed Week 2 Day 1 today) and I was wondering if there is anyone else starting over like me? If so - please add!

If not - I would love advice on how to stick to the program. I almost always get to week 5 and then I quit...


  • OSUgal03
    OSUgal03 Posts: 18 Member
    I am starting on monday. I complete the program almost 2 yeas ago, but then had issues and had to stop running when pregnant. I might start at week 2 or 3 though, cuz I dont think I will need to start completely over.
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    Week 5 was a tough one. I just finished the last day of week 6. I can run 22 minutes straight and it feels amazing. I'd say to just be patient. If you can't finish that run or you have to stop, just repeat it the next time. Also make sure you're running at a good pace. I realized I was running too fast for the first few weeks and since I've slowed it down, I've been doing way better. I run at 6mph.

    Make sure you have a good pre-work out snack too! I usually do nuts or a banana and peanut butter. I don't know if you're into trying this, but I also take a pre-work out powder and I think that's also helped too! :)
  • HI everyone,
    I have recently restarted both myfitnesspal and also C25K. I lost a stone last time on myfitnesspal. The running wasnt so successful. I abandoned the c25k because wierdly i found the stop start during each session too much and found that I could run for longer without it. I think at the time I found I kind of got through the pain barrier and could keep running. However this soon came to a halt. So this time I have started the C25K again. I am being tough on myself and have set 3 days a week to run. I have a choice , either run in the morning , or run at night. If I wake up and talk myself out of it, my punishment is to go at night, raining or not! Last night i completed week 2 day 1 and to be honest ... I love it. I am sitting here at my desk, wishing I could go out again tonight! Never thought I would say that. My goal is simple. I want to loose weight, yes, but my main goal is to run 5k at parkrun. That is where you sign up for free and scan a barcode at the beginning of the run and at the end and get a time for the run. It goes on a website and you can then compete against yourself to better your time. I dont think I could make 5k at this stage, so I plan to finish the 8 week course and give it a go.
    Keep going. Stick to the plan. You will be amazed at what you can achieve. Good luck.
  • msbarbiq
    msbarbiq Posts: 2 Member
    I just started C25K, on my second week day 2. I was never a runner always hated it, now learning to love it! Week two has been a struggle for me but I look forward to my next run each day. It has been a struggle for me because I have pain in my ankles and shins, does any one else have that problem? If so how do you correct it?
    Last year I did my first 5k walk and this year I want to run a 5k. Also I am loving the changes my body is making already :)
  • I just started it yesterday, but I am SO out of shape, so I am modifying it a little bit so that I do a brisk walk for the walking but a "power walk" for the jogging periods because I can't even power walk for extended periods of time. I have hip problems, so I figured if I did this one time over on the treadmill with incline to build endurance, I could start it from the beginning on the elliptical with running once I have some endurance and have lost some weight so my joints don't take as much stress.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I used this to start running again (after 6 years of not running) it was great and I made it up to week 4 but then I just started running and not following the program. I did do a 5K, BUT the hardest part of running for me has to be staying motivated and overcoming mental drawbacks (that little voice telling me I can't run) So I found a local running group through the store Point2Point running, they meet once a week. They have all levels of runners, so when you meet up there are people training for 5K's who are very new all the way to advanced.
    It helped me a lot. I am a LONER in the gym, I hate workout partners, i just get in & out. BUT I really need a group or partner to keep running. My self motivator for running just runs out (pun intended) You can try your local running stores or go online and look for a running group.