Hello MFP... It's me again.... ;)

Cranny Posts: 27 Member
Long story short: I need to do it again....NOW!

Managed to loose 100# between 2005-2007, but with life changes, new jobs, and a few other excuses, I've managed to pack the weight back on and am now 20# away from gaining it all back. YIKES

The profile picture you see is what changed it.... it's a picture my sister in law took of my and my dogs (Bonnie and Clyde) during the holidays. I didn't like what I saw. On my profile you'll see a before and after of my first weight loss - it's actually my driver's license picture. It amazed me at the time so I put them side by side for reference.

I wish I would have kept a journal the last time I lost all that weight - it would make it simpler, cause I sure don't remember how I did it - only remember Slim Fast and Richard Simmons Videos. This time I am keeping a journal - not with the expectations that I will need it yet again (Hope not!) but rather to see my progress and keep track of what I do, and why I do it.

I started a week ago today --- I'm planning on weighing in every 2 weeks. I'm concentrating on portion control, better for me snacks and exercise - usually walking and some weight training.

Peanut M&M's became my crack. I small bag a night - sometimes a king size, while laying in bed watching Tv. I'm glad to report I'm 'crack" free for 1 week now! :)

Snacks now consist of fruits and veggies - a bit of cheese. I'm really using Pintrest to find new healthy alternatives.

I'm VERY impressed with the improvements to MFP - especially the App.... IT ROCKS!!

See everyone around the boards.... Good Luck....

Peace and Love.... over and out! :)