Are Refeeds needed in Reverse dieting?

So ive been reverse dieting since the new year only because from the beginning of december i took a dietbreak trying to maintwin my weight but just gained all of it back so since my metabolism was still slow i decided to go back to my low calories and work my way up. After doing that right away i lost weight which u guess was water and last week ive been eating 1500 and just bumped it up to 1600 on thursday and im gaining weight ever sknce bumping up 100 cals only 2-3lbs tho and its been just 3 days since ive bumped it up. But ive really been having cravings and i scheduled a refeed for monday but if im gaining even a little weight can i still have this refeed or will it jus make me gain more and have no effect? So to sum it all up. Can i have this refeed tomorrow? Or will it just waste my time. Im trying to get my metabolism back on track with minial fat gain, also when i said i gained weight i still look as lean as b4 but im just a little heavier.


  • charlieibeling
    charlieibeling Posts: 93 Member
    It sounds like an all out refeed for you would not be ideal. Refeed on complex, low glycemic carbs and you should be ok or even help restart metabolism. Maybe double your recent carb intake using smart choices.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Most likely you are jsut refilling your glycogen stores with the added calories and the wieght you are seeing is water weight that comes with it. You are not adding fat unless you are eating over your maintenance calories. Even if you were eating in a surplus you would have to over eat by 3500 calories to add 1 pound of fat.

    Refeeds are really only useful for people that are already pretty lean. You may have had some metabolic slow down if you dieted aggressively or for a long time but it will be increased as you raise your calories. There is no such thing as resetting a metabolism. Metabolic adaptations happen over the long term not one day of eating more carbs.