
I want to buy a bicycle to ride this year for exercise, BUT I don't want to spend 300$. Can anyone recommend a good bike brand that wont make me go broke. wanting to spend no more than 150$.


  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    hmmm,if thats all you an spend you can try a bike shop and see if they have anything,but I doubt it,WalMart would be your best bet for that price range..can also try CL or your local FB buy-sell pages,,you might come across something..the problem without knowing what to look for in size and style and NOT going to a bike store is you may get something you think is correct for you,but frame size or style may not be. I actually am budgeting for a new road bike this spring also,and am loking at around $1000 for what I want.
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    My gosh! 1000$! wow. ill have to look around!
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I'd check out ****'s Sporting Goods. You're not going to be able to get anything fancy in that price range from anywhere, but I would steer clear of Walmart. I've had 2 bikes from there fall apart. I got one from ****'s on Black Friday for $150. Haven't ridden yet but am looking forward to it. Just keep your eyes out for a sale.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I'd check out ****'s Sporting Goods. You're not going to be able to get anything fancy in that price range from anywhere, but I would steer clear of Walmart. I've had 2 bikes from there fall apart. I got one from ****'s on Black Friday for $150. Haven't ridden yet but am looking forward to it. Just keep your eyes out for a sale.

    That's supposed to say D I C K 's...apparently that's not a word MFP lets you type:laugh:
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    you never know you might come across just what you re looking for,,and actually if you are not a avid bike rider now,,I wouldnt reccomend spending a lot until you know its something you are going to keep up with,but on the other hand if the bike doesnt fit you or your needs,you wont like it,,maybe there is a bike shop around you that will rent you one for a week or a month,that way you get their knowledge with fitting it to you and a trial run before buying.
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member
    I don't know how much you weigh, but you want to keep in mind that most aluminum frames have a max weight of about 220lbs. This is something I had to deal with when looking for a bike that could hold me at 350lbs. If you get a bike, make sure it is a quality brand and has a STEEL frame. You also may want to upgrade the casset on the back wheel as it handles the most of the weight.

    Your best bet is to get a used frame from Craigslist and take it to a shop and have them build it up for you. My bike cost about $500 with the upgrades I got for my weight.

    It was expensive, but it was the BEST thing for my health that I have ever done. I love biking. I have lost 30lbs in 4 months and it would have been a lot more except I took a break for nearly a month due to the holidays. I recommend biking to anyone!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Craigslist, EBay, want ads, garage sales, etc.

    Your best bet is to look for an older model road bicycle. A steel lugged frame, almost all of them were made this way in the 70s and 80s. You will be getting a durable frame you can set up more than 1 way. The only thing you won't be able to do it modify it into a MTB. It can certainly be purchased and modified to fit your style WAY better than any new $300 bicycle you will ever find.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I don't know how much you weigh, but you want to keep in mind that most aluminum frames have a max weight of about 220lbs.

    Who told you that? Most aluminum frames are strong enough to hold up a 747.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I'd buy from a used bike dealer. You'll have no problem finding a good bike for that price and they can help you select the best one for your needs.

    Some bikes, the cheaper ones, are heavy and hard to get in and out of the car and even put on a carrier. So, a lot depends on how you plan to service the bike and care for it. Also, where you plan to ride it. If you plan to just ride around the neighborhood, you can find a decent bike at a garage or yard sale for $10 to $30 or so. Of course, those sales won't be going on until spring in most locals.

    There are lots of good brands. If you just want a bike to get you around the neighborhood, most any bike that fits and that you can handle and are comfortable with is good enough. Keep in mind tires are very expensive and upkeep can be costly. So you want a bike that's in pretty good shape.
  • sir_randall
    sir_randall Posts: 16 Member
    Find out what size frame you need. Test ride a couple bikes at your local bike shop. Then look on Craigslist for something used. That is your best bet if you're trying to stay under $300.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    With your budget I would advise you to go to a bike shop to find out what size bike you need then start looking on Craigslist. I starting riding last year. My bike was my own reward for loosing the first 100 pounds. I was 425 pounds at the time. I was advised to keep it simple to start with. I got a 7 speed instead of a 21 speed. I was advise against getting a bike with a suspension as it couldn't handle my weight. As far a weight specific mods on the bike, I got upgraded (metal instead of plastic) pedals and a set of high spoke count rims.

    Biking is a great way to get in your exercise. You have so much fun that you don't realize how much work you're doing and it's great on your joints. Wear a helmet, drink plenty of water and have fun!