Need good ideas for snacks.



  • blissfulcourt
    blissfulcourt Posts: 6 Member
    I eat chickpeas for snacks or other beans rinsed. Just a small handful does the job and keeps me full when my tummy rumbles.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I made trail mix yesterday; one part chocolate chunks, 3 parts dried fruit, and 4 parts each almonds and cashews. Just mix and eat.
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    This may only be useful in the UK but Twiglets are handy, I presume it's the Marmite on them. A small bag is 98 cals and 3g protein. Obviously not something you'd maybe use too much but it's a handy source for boosting things at times.
    Looked at the nutrition of Twiglets and was really surprised.
    Might incorporate them into my diet, so thanks.

    Lol, I know, it doesn't seem right does it?!

    Marmite rice cakes aren't too bad for protein/flavour either, given what they are! I put piece of cheese or philly on top to boost it and the flavours mix well too.

    ETA: I also cut up Promax meal bars to snack on as they are very chewy, like chocolatey nougat so they take some eating and give a protein hit of 21.5g to keep hunger down and boost intake.
  • dkhall02
    dkhall02 Posts: 1 Member
    Kind bars. You can find them at Wal-mart. There all natural grains and very good and healthy for you. You can also buy them in bulk at