Getting Started...AGAIN!!

Last January I made the decision to change my life, to lose weight, and get fit!! I lost 23lbs in 4 months and I wasn't gonna stop there!! Except I did...I've gained ALL the weight back and now I'm starting over again. I was so ashamed and completely disappointed with myself. However, rather than wallow in my "failure" I decided to seek out some encouragement. Has this happened to anyone?? What did you do to help you stay on track??


  • I am here withlmost the exact same problem. I lost 25 and gained back 17. WHY? Cause it takes work and I have to realize I can't let up ever....... So frustrating. But I am back on track. Some things I am going to do differently though is only weigh myself on Monday mornings.
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    That was me last year! Every diet I tried, I would loose 20 or so and gain it and more back.. I finally made the commitment and changed my life. I am now down almost 60 and 6 sizes! Looking for 25 or so more to go!
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Yes! Same problem here. I was consistent for 9 months, dropped 37 lbs. Then I went on vacation for 8 days and although I was active, we ate out a lot and I ate whatever I wanted. Bad move! The next 2 months after I got back, I was still able to be pretty active but I ate terrible, and then one day while hiking I fell and hurt my tailbone pretty bad. For 2 more months I wasn't very active and never really bounced back.

    I hated to be the 'cliche' but on January 1st I weighed in and saw that I had gained back all but 5 lbs. of what I lost. So, I am back at it once again. I've lost 7 more lbs. since then and am determined to take off the weight that I lost the first time, plus another 10-15 would be great (or change it to muscle).

    Good luck with your restart! Maintaining for me is by far the hardest part. Good luck to both of us!
  • Same here. Last year I did he dukan diet, lost 20 easily but in return eating so much meat affected my health so I gained everything back and more :sad:
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    That's exactly what happened to me... and I had to lose it all over again..what a waste of time!
    So here I am again...and this time I threw out all of my bigger clothes... which I didn't do last time and if your closet is full of clothes that fit... well then it's easy to just keep wearing them...and suddenly my 'fat pants' (ones I wear when I'm bloated) became the only pants that fit and then those were tight too!!! Now they are gone... I went down a size and rid my closet of the big clothes..even the ones I really liked.

    I didn't think I'd learn anything new but this second time around (on MFP) I've changed a bit the way I eat ...way more protein that before and have also tried different foods so that's been good. I have always eaten lots of vegetables (thanks Mom!) so I've been okay in that area... but I also like cookies a lot! and I would eat a whole entire big chocolate bar every single Friday night! Not anymore!

  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    I started using MFP last Spring and started losing but also quit in the Fall and gained back all I lost plus another 10#. You have to log daily and stay connected. I thought "I'm really not eating that much so I won't take time to log" but when I log, I realize just how unhealthy I was eating and how MUCH I was actually eating. I'm starting again and my goal is to log daily even on the days I don't do so good. I am so upset with myself when I look at the MFP Friends I had that kept going during the time I quit and are at 50#+ loss now. I could have been there too ........If Only..... but no more If Only....... I just have to forget it and do it! :) Good Luck!
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    I am here withlmost the exact same problem. I lost 25 and gained back 17. WHY? Cause it takes work and I have to realize I can't let up ever....... So frustrating. But I am back on track. Some things I am going to do differently though is only weigh myself on Monday mornings.

    I avoid weighing myself on Monday mornings - NEVER!!! it's the worst day for me... on the weekend I might have had that glass of wine, or a cookie, or saltier food... now I weigh myself on FRIDAY mornings because I feel more in control M-F so Friday is a 'lower' day for me which motivates me to stay on track on Sat and Sun (my hardest days).
  • katsdragon2008
    katsdragon2008 Posts: 5 Member
    I am totally in the same boat. I was so focus for so long and lost weight but then life got complicated and I started slacking and lost track of my goals. Then i gained it all back. I too have just re-started again. I owe it to myself and my 4 year old son to get the weight off and keep it off!!! i am more motivated than ever now.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    I did gained back the weight before but only because I went on a diet of undereating with yoga. grr. I'm never gonba come back on diets like that again. Just gonna go eyeball my calories then if I'm gonna be online on mfp then I'm gonna go log it. It's easy. So rather than diets. lets just not go over our calories and macros ;)
  • Thanks everyone!! Good luck to us all!! :happy:
  • Me too! Lost about 28 lbs last year and gonna weigh in tomorrow and damnit, get back on this band wagon AGAIN! It will be a life long struggle for me, and i guess as long as I keep coming back, then that's a good thing?
  • allangirl
    allangirl Posts: 56 Member
    Don't give up! If you have to restart 29 times you will succeed on the 30th try. Tomorrow is a new day. I view eating healthy for 1 day at at time instead of 8 months to lose 50lbs.