Stories of how you convince yourself to eat in moderation?

First off. mine was. I bouggt some fitness diet books. The first book I bought says you have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound. It also calculates bmr. But then, I went on google and typed how to count calorie, then I saw mfp. But it took a month before I finally used the account I registered on mfp.(that's coz too lazy to learn the tool.) I only learned how to use mfp through my android fone. Then I also research calorie burned per hour jus sitting around.. blah blah.. Sorry for the rant

anyway what about u guys? how did u finally started eating in moderation?


  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    sorry for d wrong spellings. Im on mobile.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I don't have a story, but I first started by weighing my food. I had no idea what a true portion size looked like.

    Then I bought smaller plates to help trick my mind to think I was eating more since there was so much extra space on my old plates.

    Slowly my stomach adjusted and got used to eating less, but it did not happen overnight.
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    I usually think that if I save some of my meal, I can have it for later. I like restaurant dining so I can have dinner, and lunch for the next day. If I buy a package of cookies, I think I can enjoy it for a longer period of time rather than all at once. But sometimes I can't have things in the house, like the Keebler stripe cookies... Those things may last three days if I am lucky. I like separating things like goldfish into zip locks so I can easily have a portion whenever I feel like it.
    To be completely honest, it is all about learning about yourself and what you can and can't do.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I just started logging what I ate which I thought was really healthy. I quickly realized my portions were huge. I am finally eating "normal" portions. I t took a bit of trial and error and lots of measuring.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    I look down and squeeze my belly fat. Then I think about how I want it to go away. Then I eat in moderation.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    A few things I do to keep myself from overeating:

    I make my lunches for the week on Sunday, and pre-enter them here on MFP. (Not as tempted to go out to eat with coworkers.)

    I preportion snacks with the calories written on the baggies to keep at work.

    Everytime I want a snack I make myself go into another room, and drink large glass of water first. If I remember that I want the snack after I'm done with the water, I can have it. This helps to cut down on boredom eating.

    Keep a few dinners on hand in the freezer at home (soup, chili, etc), so if I'm rushed for time in the evening I'm less likely to order-in or get fast food.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I just started logging what I typically ate day to day. I've always eaten pretty good and enjoyed cooking with fresh ingredients...but I ate a lot of food and often went back for 2nds and 3rds. I also ate out more than I realized. Once I saw it on paper I just dialed it down to a level that I was comfortable with and a level that was healthy. It wasn't really a big was more about learning what a portion of whatever is and making sure I kept them under control.

    I rarely allow myself 2nds and don't eat out nearly as much as I used to and I eat a lot more veggies and leaner proteins than I used to. I still consume a lot of volume....just a lot less calories.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Just joining MFP worked for me.

    I dunno, maybe I am weirdly rule-oriented or something but I act like going over my calories is an infraction of the freakin' LAW. I've been on this site for about 10 months now and for the first 6 months I only went over like two times! haha Now I go over by 50-100 calories a couple of times a month, and maybe like 300-400 on Christmas or another very special occasion.

    As for being hungry, that has not really been an issue for me. I started at 262 lb so I did have a pretty big calorie allowance then. But now I have only 1,320 daily (before adding any exercise, and some days I don't exercise). Different things work for different people but I prefer to snack rarely and eat 3 meals per day, generally at 7 am, 11:30 am, and 5:30 pm. Obviously it can vary from day to day but that's basically how I eat.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    ahh just wanted to add a bit more...

    MFP has made me so much more aware of which foods are culprits for going over on calories, sodium, etc.

    For example, in the past when I made quesadillas at home, I would eat at least 4 (often 6) small tortillas and be sparing with my fillings of cheese and/or veggies. Now I have 2 of the same small tortillas but cram those FULL of veggies and even a bit more cheese than I used to use. It was weird the first couple of times, I felt like I was making them wrong. But now I'm used to it and actually prefer them that way, saving myself hundreds of calories on the meal. Just one example.