Need Friends That Have Lost 100+ Pounds (or need to.)

I am now the heaviest I have even been in my life. 362. A good weight for me would be around 225. That is what I weighed at 20 years old. My first major goal is to get under 300. Everything has really gone down hill health wise since I broke 300.

I joined Weight Watches last Thursday. There are some good deals going on right now (50% off for 6 months, no join fee.) Anyway, there were a few men in the meeting and I my sister in law goes also. Wife went shopping today to keep the "right" food in the house. Been watching what I eat and got some exercise cleaning the garage and washing wife's car yesterday.

I have struggled with my weight for 20 years. I really need help with this. I love food and hate exercise. I know, not a good combo.

Anyway, please friend me if you have lost 100 lbs or more or need to and are having success getting there.


Johnny in Orlando


  • jgedge88
    Hi Johnny,

    It’s good to meet you. I am also looking to lose 100+, and currently weight the heaviest I ever have at 400.5lb. I have struggled with my weight since before university and after moving to London a couple of years ago my weight has shot up. I'm looking to lose initially 50lbs before a holiday to San Francisco in July but ultimately I want to break the 300lb barrier and get down to about 240lbs.

    Fizzy drinks have been a big problem for me; I've managed to cut them out and am now working on my day to day food intake. I tend to be seduced by takeaways because the ease of them, when in fact if I were to cook it would take the same amount of time! I'm cutting them out and also following the Clean & Lean diet which in the past has worked for me. Also like you looking to get some exercise in at a gym that sits on the same road as my office.

    I look forward to losing weight together!

  • lyricsmamma6469
    lyricsmamma6469 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I currently weigh 254 down from 294 and would like to weigh 135 - 145. It's a struggle daily, but set small goals and reward yourself each time you hit a goal. Also, don't cut out food that you love completely or you'll end up binging on a craving. Weight watchers has a great food scale but any will do. I weigh everything I eat to make sure my calories are dead on. Good luck with your journey!! Definitely get friends because the motivation and support is amazing!
  • iamuniqueiam
    iamuniqueiam Posts: 68 Member
    I haven't quite figured out how to add people yet, but I'm going to try and add everyone in this message. If you don't hear from me, please feel free to add me yourself! I'm currently at 289...I can't believe I'm saying that out loud (sort of). I manage to get myself under 200 at one point, then quit smoking 4 years ago and it's all come creeping back. At least the no-smoking thing stuck this time around. My goal right now is to lose 120 but that just seems so far away right now. One day at a time right? My biggest challenge is to stop skipping meals. I really hate to eat anything before noon. I prefer 6 cups of decaf coffee instead. It's almost 10 am right now on my first day back on the "healthy" wagon and I've yet to eat anything, but this post has motivated me so I'm going to go grab a yogurt. We CAN do this!
  • JohnnyOrlando
    Luckily, I never smoked or had a drinking problem. I have never done drugs. Food, however, is a whole other story.

    I eat a zone bar (chocolate mint) for breakfast when I don't have time to make eggs. They are easy and fast and filling. They taste great and are not bad for you. Much better than skipping breakfast all together. Just a thought.
  • jgedge88
    I completely understand about skipping meals. I tend to make up a lot of excuses, the main one being ‘I don’t have time to make breakfast’ but then I sit and read / watch the news for 45 minutes! I end up lying to myself! It doesn’t take long to make a bowl of porridge or in fact any clean and lean recipes but I still pretend otherwise. In the past it’s always been about making things quick, easy and exciting. A poached egg, rye bread, smoked salmon and asparagus in the morning can take a maximum 15-20 minutes in the morning and I still consider it a treat, quite frankly a little bit luxurious, however, I figure if I’m looking forward to the food I’m less likely to skip it.
  • Sick_n_Tired
    Good morning! I need to lose about 100 lb. as well, although I have set my first goal at 50, so I can feel like i've accomplished something. Anyone on this thread feel free to add me as well.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Hi Johnny. I'm Francesca. I started at 325 three years ago, and I got down to 249. Alas, food tastes good and I like sitting on the couch too much, so I'm back up to 323... But, I am getting back in the game. I have about 100-150 pounds to lose, and I'm positive I'll be able to do it this time! Add me. :)
  • iamuniqueiam
    iamuniqueiam Posts: 68 Member
    I don't really drink at all...the last time might have been in Las Vegas 3 years ago on at least I'm not trying to give that up on top of the food. No drugs either. I come from a family of alcoholics and drug abusers so I'm pretty thankful I managed to steer clear of those things. My poisons of choice were nicotine and food. Now it's just food. And coffee. Tons of black decaf I get to count that as water intake? LOL!

    I always find eating first thing in the morning the hardest. Plus once I start eating, I'm hungry all the time. If I can just put it off the whole "eating" thing I don't get so damn hungry/cranky. I still haven't eaten yet despite saying in my last post that I was going to. I did have another coffee though. :happy:

    I'm a really good cook and even better baker. That is a HUGE problem. I have home made cinnamon raisin bread and dinner rolls that I could grab really quick for breakfast unfortunately. Not gonna do it though. I'm still thinking about that yogurt maybe!