water consumption

On the water consumption section how many cups is 0.5l classed as? Or in other words how many litres to a glass?


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    1L = 33.8 oz, which equals 4 cups with 1.8oz leftover
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    There are 33.8 oz in a liter.

    There are 8 oz in a cup.

    There are all types of conversion charts on the net...you just got to look.

    To drink 8 8oz cups of water...you need to drink two liters a day.

    Don't forget to include your coffee or tea (I don't but some do) and also the water that is in your vegetables (I don't but some do).

    There is also a theory that the amount of water you drink is dependent upon your weight. You can google to find that info.

    I drink lots of water...a lot...so the only thing that I worry about is making sure that I consume enough water before and after a workout.

    Search engines are a great asset to someone that is trying to lose weight and/or get fit.