Lunch Ideas for Work

I work in an office where I am the Office Manager. It's on a street where there are PLENTY of places to go out and get lunch and I am 5 minutes from home, however I find those things challenging. When I go out to get lunch I always end up going to the wrong places when when I go home for lunch I'm always enticed to eat what I SHOULD NOT eat because I'm stressed or tired, etc... I really need to bring something with me for work...

Any ideas? Creative ideas? We do have a microwave, if that helps any.


  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    Lean Cuisine. They're pretty good. You can also bring leftovers.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    I like to make a big batch of something on Sunday so that I can bring it for lunch with me all week and not have to worry about making something every day. Here are a few things I make, that can easily be heated up in the microwave or eaten cold:

    - Pasta salad with veggies (whole wheat pasta with lots of veggies and a light olive oil drizzle, seasoned with basil and oregano - so good!)
    - Rice and beans with spinach - this week's lunch
    - Whole wheat pasta with organic tomato sauce
    - Veggie casserole
    - Split pea soup

    It works well for me because I'm always on the go in the evenings and in a rush in the mornings, so if I can just grab something pre-made out of the fridge, I'm all set!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    If you work at a desk (like me) you should bring snacks and lunch so you're not so tempted to overeat or eat unhealthy things when lunch time rolls around. Every day I bring at least 3 usually 4 snacks ad 2 meals for an 8 hr day. This is what it typically looks like: 6am- coffee on the way to work, 8am- greek yogurt, 10am-oatmeal, 11am- banana, 12:30- lunch (usually a lean cuisine, smart one's, salad I brought from home, leftovers, Progresso light soup, or if I go out I get a chili and baked potato from Wendys or a salad or sandwich, no fries, from one of those places), 1pm- green tea, 2pm- apple, 3:30pm when I leave work I have a protein bar on the way to the gym or home with a bottle of water to keep me satisfied till dinner. I keep a water bottle on my desk and drink every time I think about it. I have a Brita pitcher in the mini fridge here and just keep filling the bottle all day. I found that once I started snacking every 1-2 hours my craving for "bad" foods were more in check. It does take some will power though, especially if you're just starting out. Good luck to you.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I teach, so my lunch options are limited. I cook, weigh,and package my lunches Sunday night. It's currently:

    8oz chicken boob seasoned with adobo
    4oz quinoa
    12oz broccoli
  • doug_pierce
    ...You can also bring leftovers.

    Roasted Red Pepper Soup. You can just about add leftover anything to it and it tastes good. It's high in sodiumm but other than that, its healthy.
  • ichoose2believe
    ichoose2believe Posts: 108 Member
    I work on a college campus so there is everything under the sun. I find that stocking my desk with quick and easy is the way to go. Like I bring light soups and freezer meals so that I have plenty of options. I also try to bring my own snack (Fiber One 90 Cal Lemon Bars are my fave right now) but I also bring baby carrots, diced bell peppers and hummus or snap peas :)
  • bloggymomx
    Thanks guys! I usually bring Lean Cuisine but I get tired of that QUICK! I need to find new ways to make salad, I get bored of that easily as well!!
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Homemade Veggie Soup (broth, any veggies you like, some beans, seasonings).
    Spinach Salad with some leftover chicken, turkey or ham in it, lots of veggies, 1Tbsp of dressing (measured out)
    Something sweet, like 100 calorie snack pack of cookies or something like that.

    The whole lunch will be under 400 calories and should fill you up and leave you satisfied!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Leftovers. It's not very creative, but it is super easy.
  • jlneibauer
    Well...if you like sandwiches (which is totally my weakness!) when you go out to eat, I would suggest getting the fiber one low calorie breads!! They have wraps which are only 90 cals (with which to make a nice spinach and chicken wrap) and I think they have english muffins and regular old bread that's low calorie.
    Just make sure when adding your goodies like cheese, to get the low fat cheese. I eat TONS of chicken. And a nice chicken sandwich really does the trick for me. If you're a fried type of girl, make home made sweet potato fries!! they're banginnnn! For dipping I use honey mustard. you can actually look up some cool recipes for sweet potato fry sauce :)
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    To piggyback on the sandwich idea, try Wawa or Subaways nutritional info lunch builder on their website. You can plug in the ingredients you like and delete the ones that add too many calories and build your own sub to meet your calorie needs. My favorite at Wawa is a turkey shortie, double meat, no cheese with lettuce, spinach, cucumber and pickles, no dressings or mayo, 410 calories. I get a similar sub at Subway.
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    I have also brought the Star-Kist ready made Tuna salad with crackers kit for lunch. Very fast and easy!

    Another thing I have been enjoying lately is a salad that consists of; Spring Mix, Dried Cranberries, Feta Cheese, Glazed Walnuts, and Lite Balsmic/Vinegar salad dressing. (Try it, you'll love it that combination is a great taste treat).

    I agree, the Fiber One 90 calorie bar's are great! Another thing that I eat for either Breakfast or a snack is the Nabisco Belvita soft baked Oats & chocolate, or Bannana bars. (200 Calories, but very filling)

    I bring fresh fruit, Pinapple, Grapes (put in the freezer they are awesome) Apples, oranges, or Frozen Green Giant Vegetable Medleys!
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    i usually fill the friidge and cupboards at work with my week's worth of breakfasts and lunches. that way, my food is here and i have no excuses or outside tempations. i keep tubs of yogurt and grapefruit for breakfast. i may buy a week's worth of cucumbers and feta cheese with wihite vinegar. i'll also make up big batches of egg or chicken salads and just keep everything in the fridge or freezer. luckily, i work in a small office and i don't have to worry about people taking my food. so i make my lunch in the kitchen at work, eat at my desk while i work and then i have a full hour to shop or run errands during my lunch break.
  • miceyl
    miceyl Posts: 11 Member
    Planning ahead is the key for me. I always make my lunch before I go to bed, so I am not tempted when the co-workers go out and pick something up. Chopped Salad today - with tomatoes, red onion, 3oz grilled chicken, 1 tbsp gorgonzola cheese, 1/4 avocado, 2 slices of crumbled turkey bacon. I will toss it with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and vinegar. They will be jealous.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Have you seen the salads in a jar on Pinterest? You can pack a good salad in a Mason jar. Dressing on the bottom (or side), then all your veggies/toppings, lettuce/spinach on top. Put it in a fridge or cooler and work and just shake it and eat at your desk.

    I also pack myself a lot of Bento lunches. Get some fun tupperware and pack a fun, colorful meal for yourself. I agree: Lean Cuisines get old, fast. Good luck :)
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I bring salads almost every day. I know it's so easy to think that's "blah," but there are sooooooo many endless things you can do to them. I always do a protein, lots of veggies, and some homemade dressing, and then usually throw on some cheese and/or some "extras." But, there's like infinite possibilities. I usually end up bringing the same/similar salad for a whole week to be able to use up the ingredients, but that's often enough to change it up for me. Think interesting proteins beyond just grilled chicken breast (salmon, shrimp, steak, taco-seasoned ground turkey or beef, chicken/spinach/feta burgers crumbled up, fajita- or Asian-style/seasoned chicken or beef, Italian cold cuts - a LOT of times I use leftover protein from dinner the night before and throw them on a salad the next day), any kind of cheese, toppings beyond just croutons (bacon, nuts or seeds, dried or fresh fruit, quinoa or other cooked grains, crispy onions or tortilla strips, olives, edamame)...I mean, honestly, there's ridiculous options. It's SO easy to pack something that's full of protein, fiber, micronutrients AND flavor that keeps you full for a long time and clocks in at under 400-ish calories.
  • Amattaway1
    Amattaway1 Posts: 9 Member
    Try some from this list! My fiancé tried the roast beef yesterday and loved it, and I made myself the turkey wrap today. :)
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    I just discovered putting canned shredded chicken (or make your own) with plain greek yougurt and dijon mustard...then you can make up enough for a few days. Eat it with salad, whole wheat bread, wasa crackers, wheat thins...add anything to green peppers or cellery for a change.

    Also at sams club i can purchase individual servings of hummus...this is a good snack option.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I eat an open-face egg sandwich almost every day for lunch. Over the weekend, I hard-boil 10 eggs and take them to work with me. Then, for lunch, I toast two pieces of 40-calorie bread. Then, I spread a small amount of light mayonnaise on the toast (by spreading it directly on the bread, you use WAY less than if you try to actually mix it into the eggs). Then I chop up one egg onto each piece of toast, sprinkle with a little salt - and voila - a high protein, reasonably caloried lunch that doesn't have a bunch of fake food in it.