Late night snack attack-need friends

So I am new here. I started 2 months ago, but just now pushing to be dedicated to health change. Here is my problem: I can be on target with food all day, but at night the greed monster wakes and wants to eat the kitchen down. Suggestions for ways to break me of this horrible habit . I would also like to find some online friend for encouragement. I am currently 290- I'm not sure how much weight I started at because my scale stops at 300. So at least 10 # plus gone.


  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member
    HI Gidgette! Congrats on the 10lbs down and I completely understand the late night snack attacks. To help me conquer the monster I have some 35 cal yogurt that I freeze and then almost tastes like dessert. I also keep cut up veggies in the fridge or have a piece of toast with Cheez Whiz (I know it's not the best for you but it helps get me through). Please feel free to add me! :)
  • One thing I found helpful to stop the evening snacks was to brush my teeth about an hour after dinner. This kinda sets my mind to thinking that we are done eating for the day. Plus it also helps that I'm pretty lazy and can't be bothered to brush and floss again later on. If you must snack however, I also find that having sliced carrots in the fridge can get me through.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I just try not to keep snacks in the house. I take everything to work!
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I have celery, radishes, peanuts and tuna for my late night snack. it's a little under 200 calories, you get lots of crunchy bites, and the protein in the tuna curbs hunger. as for the "I see it, I must eat it" aspect of snacking (I'm not the only one with that problem), put the "bad" snacks in a place where you won't see them every time you're in the kitchen; in the cupboard with the crockpot or whatever you don't use often. if the temptations are in the same cabinet as the healthy foods, I, personally, am reminding that they're there, and I eat them more often.
  • Ronunderwood
    Ronunderwood Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Gidg! I also share the problem of snacking at night. I try to limit my intake to <300 calories in the evening. I generally eat sunflower seeds in the shell, and 1/2 cup of ice cream, or something similar. Any more than 300 and it's a fail for me. Plus drink lots of water, it's a good appetite suppressor. I would say good luck with your plan, but you need more perseverance than luck. But
    best wishes anyways. .
  • gidgette1972
    gidgette1972 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks ladies for the great tips, I think I need to just get rid of all the temptation , however with kids it's going to be hard.
  • I think a great thought that would help with late night snacking would be to think about not ever being able to eat again. When you eat at night before bed it increased the chances that you will get reflux, where the acid and the food in your stomach come up and erode the lining of your esophagus. When the esophagus keeps getting irritated it could eventually lead to cancer. The treatment is to remove the esophagus and then you would receive all of your nutrition through a tube.
    You need three full hours of not eating prior to laying down.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    My problem seems to be protein. So I keep chicken breast cooked in the fridge. A coupe of ounces and I am good to go.
  • emce11x
    emce11x Posts: 7 Member
    i make sugar free jello, it's 10 calories a serving and it's sweet/cold and super cheap.. I have a newborn so i find myself downstairs with my eyes barely open holding a cup of jello and spoon in hand. at least on the night it happens i dont feel like i've blown the progress of the day before.
  • DWW529
    DWW529 Posts: 42 Member
    You are SO not alone here. I'm sure many MFPr's share this challenge. You've gotten some good advice from others. I also love to drink tea at night when I get those cravings. A Lemon Zinger or some sort of fruit tea curb some of those, also, theres a brand called Good Earth that makes a tea called "Sweet and Spicy". They have it with and without caffine. I love that one when I really want something with sweetness.

    What I like about the tea is it takes a bit of prep time. Because it's hot, it takes time to drink. With that time spent, it gives me a moment to ask, am I hungry or bored?

    Best of luck, congrats on the ten pounds and feel free to add me.
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