Ruptured Disc

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have a blown disc in my back. I had this last summer (same pain anyway) but the doctor never took xrays, just assumed I pulled something, gave me some meds and sent me on my way.

I was in horrible pain for a week, and it steadily got better until it was all gone after about 4 weeks. So I have the same thing again, except this time the doctor did xrays, saw it was a blown disc, gave me better meds and said surgery may be in my future. He thinks it may have been going last summer, but now it actually went. I'm not sure about that though because like I said, my pain and lack of mobility is the same as last time (though in some ways it's better than last summer, I am thinking though because I am learning how to get around better, and I am trying to move around more often whereas last summer I pretty much sat or laid down a lot)

I have to get an MRI on Friday....once I am up and walking around I feel pretty good, the pain is about a 2 or 3 (out of 10) but it's when I first get up or first sit down that the pain is easily at a 10. The doctor said I can walk if I feel up to it, so I'm going to the gym after work and walk on the treadmill, that way if I get tired or in pain I can stop rather than worrying about getting back from wherever I walked to, and the treadmill will be more cushion.

My question is, has anyone dealt with this? Did you have to have surgery? I'm getting married in 2 months so obviously anytime before that is kind of out of the question, but I am thinking I should have it eventually, especially since we're thinking about starting a family next year and I am terrified of going through this again when I am pregnant or have a little one to take care of. Any advice or stories of experience would be greatly appreciated!


  • My boyfriend slipped a disc and it was originally thought to be a muscle strain, but then it was on his sciatic nerve and needed surgery to move the protruding part. I would say you could hold off if it isn't pressing on a nerve and causing you secondary pain even when you are not moving. So it will at least keep you from needing surgery before your wedding. Our physio told us that cold compress was better than warm in that area, so keep it cold, that should help alleviate issues short term.

    As for surgery, I'd take guidance from your doctor, it could get worse but then it could also recede of its own accord. There are also options like epidurals and nerve blocks to prevent the need for surgery.

    I hope that this helps a little!! x
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have one ruptured and another herniated. Depending on where they are in the back they can cause different problems. Mine are in the low back/sacro area. I get mild sciatica from time to time. I have not had surgery. Mostly because the ortho guy I went to (only one available w/in 50 miles and covered by insurance) is an idiot...but don't get me started on him.

    Ask your doctor for physical therapy first!!! My ortho being the idiot he is sent me to PT (before the MRI came back) for what he was calling a "gait issue" because of my weight. The therapist couldn't read his writting on the orders. She did an extensive exam and formed her own opinion (she didn't like that ortho either). She set me up with some stretching moves that helped the sciatica, showed me core exercises that I could do laying down, and when I could stand w/o pain she showed me more. She was great! She gave me a bunch of information to take home and some web sites to check out. I saw the PT for 6 weeks. She also recommended a chiropractor that specialized in sports injury. He was great too! He gave me suggestions on some yoga forms that work. It has been nearly 18 months w/o any problems, even when I shoveled snow last winter! I see the chiropractor maybe 4 times a year now.

    Maybe if I have a problem in the future I will seek out another Ortho guy and have it taken care of, but for now I am as happy as a clam at high tide.
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