! Under Diary Goal ! ( YAY or NAY )

Hello MFP's

A Little about me:
I'm Jay, 5'7" started at 191 lbs, Now currently at 168 lbs. I've done the on and off with my goals up until recently which I have been trying to hit the gym more frequently. I've been getting some results (Obviously with the weight loss) but I been noticing that although I am usually under my diary goal that doesn't really mean it was good.
I think it's great when my friends leave me positive support on my day but I've notice that we usually don't mention to each other things we see on diary goals that could be better or maybe even avoided.
For example I remember having a day that I was under my goal but the majority of my lunch and dinner was not that great health wise, I even did fast food for lunch. Yes I was under my diary goal but it obviously didnt help or was good for my intake.
I've even seen people with open diaries stay under goal yet their intake was mainly from Mc Donalds etc.

Now I know if I want to get to my real goals I need to be honest when logging and even more honest choosing what I eat. I just feel like we're always so hell bent on making that food goal (NUMBERS) that we dont actually stay true to the goal which should be proper nutrition to assist in the goal. I've caught myself eating small/ healthy 1/2 the day to be able to binge on dinner LOL.
I also have troubles because I am so picky with foods and allergic to so many others.,

Going forward I am going to try making better choices and hope that friends view and comment on my diary when they see items that I eat that could be either removed, or replaced with alternatives. I will gladly accept criticism if options are also mentioned. I'm all for getting help from people willing to help.

Just wonder if others do the same, or can actually look back at their dairies and say yea I could have done better by not eating this or that.

My bad habits/cheats that I just need to quit are:
Burgers (Fast Food)
French Fries (Fried)
Those are my main sneaky foods. It's gotten to the point where I can alter my eating to allow me to find free calories to eat these items and although I may stay under goal. It's obviously not the right things to eat,
I mean why eat a 800+ calorie burger then workout it all off at the gym?? When if you ate properly that time spent working off 800 calories would be put to better use. Thats what I need to commit to.
..Anyone else?