Encouragement for Losing 30 lbs?



  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    You can do this! Good for you for getting a jump on this before you turn 30... when things continue to backslide on the metabolism front! I started with 50 pounds to lose... happy to report they are gone. Thirty pounds seems like a lot and maybe feels tough, but just look at it in little five pound increments. Just to stay on track. And don't go crazy all at once, ease in and go for it!

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you want some support. I'm on every day. :) Usually. :) I will be for the next month anyway... put three pounds on over the holidays and it will take this 35-year old metabolism at least a month to get rid of them. Grrr. :) Maintenance!! :)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I would suggest focusing on progress and being healthy rather than x pounds by x date. If you are progressing in a sustainable, healthy way, then you are winning! Do you really want to be disappointed if you only manage to lose 25lbs by your birthday even if you look great and you are stronger than ever? It took me a long time to lose 30lbs, but I can bench press triple digits, dead lift my body weight, run a 5k, take someone down in martial arts etc. I also had wine most days, pizza most weeks, etc. Slow loss= more sustainable, more wiggle room for treats (so that you don't feel deprived and/or "fall of the wagon"), less muscle loss, a faster metabolism, less likelihood of gaining it back etc.

    Here are a few links to help you choose calorie/macro/activity levels to help you get started:
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I would suggest focusing on progress and being healthy rather than x pounds by x date. If you are progressing in a sustainable, healthy way, then you are winning! Do you really want to be disappointed if you only manage to lose 25lbs by your birthday even if you look great and you are stronger than ever? It took me a long time to lose 30lbs, but I can bench press triple digits, dead lift my body weight, run a 5k, take someone down in martial arts etc. I also had wine most days, pizza most weeks, etc. Slow loss= more sustainable, more wiggle room for treats (so that you don't feel deprived and/or "fall of the wagon"), less muscle loss, a faster metabolism, less likelihood of gaining it back etc.

    Here are a few links to help you choose calorie/macro/activity levels to help you get started:

    Quoting Lila.

    Setting a date to lose x by y tends to lead to disappointment.
    Definitely check out her links.
    And don't forget to add resistance training (free weights, bodyweights, resistance bands) because even if you don't lose the 30lbs, you can look like you did.
  • toomanireasons
    HI, I think you will do this easily by your Birthday, I am much older and have not exercised and have lost 30 pounds since October 23rd, 2013. that was through the Holiday Season and days of indulging a little and a few cocktails.

    So be encouraged that you are going to do this in no time and will feel and look amazing !!
  • MichelleDavisSmith
    Feel free to send me a friend request if you would like. I'm 1 pound down and going strong. 30 pounds more to go!!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    I've lost 31lbs and gone from a 14 to a 6. The honest truth is...it takes HARD WORK, denial and commitment.

    If I can do it, anyone can do it. You just have to want it bad enough.